Venturing into the world of Mastodon - no clue what I am doing or how to find people!
Quick #introduction
I am a final year PhD researcher at #UniversityofBirmingham. Research interests include #SEND #inclusion #risk #subjectivity #disability #posthuman #postqualitative #education #parents
Struggling to work out the multiple server thing and how to find people but hoping to work it out soon
@sharonsmith hello! It’s all rather different than the other place whilst also being *slightly* familiar, i find!
@mustntgrumble Hi - yes it feels equally familiar and totally alien trying to work out whether I like it here or not… might be better when more populated.
@sharonsmith for now I’m just trying to have the option to keep in touch… how it pans out, who knows?!
@sharonsmith also a final year PhD at UoB, hi! are you coming from Twitter? I found debirdify useful to automatically add Twitter contacts here
@freya yes I am on Twitter @Sharon_L_Smith over there
Will check that out, thank you
@sharonsmith you research sounds interesting. Do you havea link to your papers?
@rowlandm thank you for your interest in my research. I haven’t yet published anything from the PhD inquiry as it’s still in progress, however other publications are here:
Some peer reviewed, others are things I have written for publications/websites.