I have not tuned in to any of the "for Kamala" groups yet, but I have to say this lineup for tomorrow's "Musicians for Kamala" sounds really interesting.
@stevenrosenthal @KamalaHarrisWin
Hey. I am a musician for Kamala.
Here are, probably, the most obvious song choices if they ask me to play
@stevenrosenthal @KamalaHarrisWin Is this online or streaming?
@Vai @KamalaHarrisWin I think it’s online.
@stevenrosenthal @KamalaHarrisWin
And Jefferson Starhip.
@stevenrosenthal @KamalaHarrisWin It's interesting that Hot Tuna and Jefferson Starship are both represented, considering they both started as the remnants of Jefferson Airplane (though there aren't any original members of the Airplane left in the Starship).
Sheila E. !
Jefferson starship !