With a reported heat index reading of nearly 144°F in Dubai, it's worth pointing out that a steak is considered "medium" when cooked to 140°F.
@stylinstainless @The_Whore_of_Blahbylon i'm sure it's nothing
@stylinstainless We won't even have to put Bob on the BBQ. We can eat him on the street. Game over. It's all tipping, consider the Arctic. https://geoffreydeihl.substack.com/p/permafrost-maybe-not
@stylinstainless I wonder if the wealthy people and financial institutions that relocated to Dubai 20 years ago are reconsidering their decision.
@stylinstainless and to think a friend of mine has gone there voluntarily for a vacation. It's mental.
@stylinstainless celcius please!
@gbwust @stylinstainless my wife asked this and 144F is 62.22C!