Question for chicken owners, out of curiosity: what do you think the ACTUAL price of a dozen eggs is from the backyard chickens?
Include: feed, enclosure/repairs, lost chickens from predators, vet visits, chicken retirement lodge, chicken sweaters and hats, etc etc? #chickens
@ai6yr @tiamat271
I'm trying to envision how the chicken dressing process happens without catastrophic blood and/or eye loss for the humans involved. Full suit of armor, or are they pretty chill about it?
@me_valentijn @ai6yr maybe they do chicken yoga first to relax?
Tampa Bay Times: Chicken Yoga comes to Ybor City, and of course the chickens wear diapers
Once diapered, the chickens are “ready for some crescent lunges and warrior poses.”
"So, of course Ybor now offers Chicken Yoga, a unique take on the animal yoga craze that has predominately centered around goats but has included creatures such as dogs, cats and even sloths."
@ai6yr @me_valentijn omg stop, I can’t handle much more of this adorable whimsy
@ai6yr @tiamat271 @me_valentijn If you think kids diapers are gross. Just wait until you start dealing with chicken shit.
@ai6yr @tiamat271 @me_valentijn
Because disposables are so bad for the environment, now Googling "chicken diaper laundry service"
@ai6yr @tiamat271
Scheduling errors involving the different species could get interesting ...
@ai6yr @tiamat271 @me_valentijn
Magic 8 Ball says:
Lethal H5N1 increase in function mutation detected in yoga studio chicken diaper bin.
@chris @ai6yr @tiamat271
Definitely a contender to add to the monthly disaster Bingo cards
@me_valentijn @ai6yr @tiamat271
I always envisioned more of a Book of Revelations fiery sword kinda thing and not this ... chicken shit.
@chris @me_valentijn @ai6yr @tiamat271
Patience, we've only just begun.
@me_valentijn @ai6yr @tiamat271
Chickens are usually fairly docile once you catch them.
@ai6yr OMG. I don’t care about the eggs, I just need chickens in sweaters in my life.
Personally, I am more excited to learn about CHICKEN RETIREMENT LODGES
Chicken retirement homes are a real thing. The US egg industry just kills the chickens when they are no longer productive (probably goes into canned chicken soup?).
I don't think most chicken owners have the heart to kill the chickens who have been laying eggs for them, but instead they just hang out with the flock.