Microsoft just released a demo of BigGPT-Large, which they define as "a domain-specific generative model pre-trained on large-scale biomedical literature, has achieved human parity, outperformed other general and scientific LLMs, and could empower biologists in various scenarios of scientific discovery."
Here's the response to the first question that I asked: @ct_bergstrom @emilymbender
@twitskeptic @ct_bergstrom @emilymbender
There's a joke, at least 25 years old: guy is in a helicopter, took off from Seattle. It's foggy, he's lost, but is close enough to a building to shout to an open window: where am I? He hears back: you're in a helicopter. He realizes he's heard from Microsoft tech support: the answer was both correct and unhelpful. Thus oriented, he lands safely.
Clearly they resent that old joke, so this engine fixes it. Answer is still unhelpful but no longer correct.