@HistoPol @ErikJonker The hypocrisy here is pretty interesting. Are the #Uyghur people and the abuse by #CCPChina so easily overlooked?
@HistoPol @ErikJonker The hypocrisy here is pretty interesting. Are the #Uyghur people and the abuse by #CCPChina so easily overlooked?
Ernie 4.5 und X1 ausprobiert: Warum ihr die neuen chinesischen #KI_Modelle kennen – aber nicht benutzen solltet. | Warum sollte man sich freiwillig Malware der #CCPChina nutzen wollen? Ich jedenfalls nicht.
https://t3n.de/news/baidu-ernie-x1-deepseek-ki-modelle-china-1678620/ via t3n
Trotz Zensur: So bringst du #DeepSeek dazu, doch über #China zu sprechen. | Egal, es bleibt ein Propaganda-Tool der #CCPChina, also Finger weg davon.
https://t3n.de/news/zensur-deepseek-china-sprechen-1670488/ via @t3n
#Deepseek: Neue #KI aus #China schickt Aktien der etablierten Hersteller auf Talfahrt | Mit Servern direkt bei der #CCPChina? Nein, danke. | #MacTechNews.de
„Undurchsichtiges Lobbynetzwerk“: Wie #China in der #EU sein Image aufpoliert. | Das ist nicht durch Geld, sondern nur durch Taten zu verbessern, aber da passiert nichts, solange die Verbrecher der #CCPChina an der Macht sind. https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/08/20/undurchsichtiges-lobbynetzwerk-wie-china-in-der-eu-sein-image-aufpoliert/
Warum die Fatah-Hamas-Einigung #China hilft | Was hat die Einigung zweier Terrorgruppen mit Frieden zu tun? Richtig, gar nichts. Und die chinesische Mörderbande der #CCPChina sowieso nicht.
#Huawei soll weitgehend aus #5G-Netz entfernt werden Richtig so, den Verbrechern der #CCPChina kann man nicht trauen.
Die gehört schon lange verboten, die ist ein trojanisches Pferd der #CCPChina um den Westen zu destabilisieren
#TikTok: So ködern Rechtsextreme Jugendliche | Ein brandgefährliches Tool der Verbrecherbande #CCPChina, welches Umgehend verboten werden sollte. Hält sich ohnehin an keine Regeln.
#FrutigerAero: Darum wünscht sich die #GenZ das Design der 2000er zurück. | Nur, weil es ein paar naive auf der Propagandaplattform der #CCPChina toll finden? Glaube nicht, dass die für eine ganze Generation sprechen.
Terrific reporting (in #USAToday no less) by Stephen Kent calling out the long line of Western media "cancelled" by #CCPChina.
The latest being #JonStewart who walked away from #Apple when they wanted to silence an episode about #AI and Chinese surveillance.
Award-winning films that China has tried to erase from history:
Brad Pitt's "Seven Years in Tibet"
Martin Scorsese’s "Kundun"
As Stephen says, "This has got to stop" and we should all watch "forbidden" movies.
Gifted Chinese maker, techie & YouTuber, Naomi Wu is being silenced by China online because she exposed how Chinese keyboards spy on their users.
Some fear she is being cancelled online so she can be "disappeared" more easily in real life. Let's hope spreading her story makes it so China can't erase her so easily.
@tweetforAnna RT by @badiucao: Failed
#censorship attempt: #Warsaw
to host critical art show „#TellChinasStoryWell” by
dissident artist @badiucao, despite protests from #China’s officials. #Polska #Poland #Chine #cenzura #ingérence #CCPChina #XiJinping #中国 #CCP #Chrl https://www.polskieradio.pl/395/7791/Artykul/3187756,warsaw-to-host-show-by-chinese-dissident-artist-despite-protests-from-china%E2%80%99s-officials https://nitter.hongkongers.net/tweetforAnna/status/1668609534921695236#m
A very nice アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本(Amnesty International Japan)event (https://www.amnesty.or.jp/get-involved/event/2023/0527_9921.html#) on #humanrights in #Tibet
Taiwan has the art, China wants it back.
We (China) can keep the (our) art safer, that Taiwan.
Same reason many museums give TODAY about NOT returning the (their) art to Benin, Greece, Cambodia, etc.
New BBC documentary on the coming fight over Taiwan.
The #chinese #ccp #CCPChina says, it's the same people, as China
Many #taiwanese say, its a country. (see documentary)
I wonder what the people in China say? Beats me.
Right, making #HongKong more and more like #CCPChina. Once again, it proves how arbitrary it can be and how the authorities can abuse its powers by restricting legal representation in HK. Exerting more control by curbing overseas lawyers in the name of national security.
@nuryturkel RT by @badiucao: My take on likening @committeeonccp to "groupthink" & making a false equivalence b/t invasion of Iraq while ignoring active genocide & real threat/challenges #CCPChina poses, threatening our sovereignty & way of life through transnational repression. https://bit.ly/3n2jSXn https://nitter.hongkongers.net/nuryturkel/status/1638172222375198721#m
What if the #UkraineWar is planned? A plan between #China and #ruzzia to funnel every country's military might into a grinder? Once the playing field has leveled, then China would come up and make us all slaves as they do to their own people? "Slaves" meaning that you gotta pay them tribute, you gotta believe what they tell you to and you gotta wear and do and live as they want you to? Fuck the #CCPChina
#UkraineInvasion #taiwanisnotchina #taiwanhistory
...part of their creation myth, a very hard thing to dislodge. Westerners make the mistake of thinking it's just a #CCPChina thing which has some truth to it to the extent that the #ccp pushes the narrative to drum up nationalism but it's transcended into something that is part of the culture now. (end)
LET'S SEE, if the people in China feel this way, in a few years. We live in interesting times.