Don Moore’s Photo Album: Chota, Peru

Don Moore’s Photo Album: Chota, Peru
Update on yesterday’s #CHOTA event which was a success despite some interesting propagation challenges. The club G5RV antenna went up without drama and operating as GB6SBC on 40m we worked 14 of the 40 or so UK CHOTA stations, plus around 40 or so others.
Conditions were poor at the start but improved aoroud 12:00 UTC until arounnd 15:00 UTC when everything closed. Signals rapidly disappeared leaving nothing
but noise, all due the recent solar activity. Still it was good fun. #AmateurRadio
Well things are moving on a pace for our participation with Churchs on the Air this coming Saturday (14/09/2024). We will be setting up at Shepton Mallet Baptist Church (BA4 5BU) from 08:30 UTC and aiming to up and running around 09:00 UTC. We will be operating on 40m with the special event callsign GB6SBC. #CHOTA #AmateurRadio #HamRadio
#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.6 strikes 15 km E of #Chota (#Peru) 9 min ago. More info:
#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.1 strikes 16 km NE of #Chota (#Peru) 8 min ago. More info:
When I see tiny things like this I'm in love :)
#Chota A micro (~3kb) CSS framework.
#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.8 strikes 21 km N of #Chota (#Peru) 9 min ago. More info: