Freunde und Bekannte zu überzeugen habe ich aufgegeben. Hin und wieder kommt immer jemand dazu,.. aber es dauert sehr lange. Ich habe aber Zeit und kann warten. Ich muss auch nicht alles mitbekommen.
Whoopi Goldberg Issues Fiery Response After Calls for ‘The View’s Cancellation #CelebritiesNews #conversations #GavinNewsom #SteveBannon #TheView #WhoopiGoldberg
I do not enjoy small talk & find it exhausting/boring as heck.
I enjoy meaningful conversations & find them energizing/inspiring as heck.
I also really appreciate folks who invest time to initiate quality conversations. It shows me they are not lazy with their communications & don't expect me to initiate all the time.
Paroles de la chanson “Conversations” de Juice WRLD
#JuiceWrld #Conversations
@feld @delta BTW: I just had a quick look in #Conversations #XMPP client, and it too has barcode scanning and showing functionality for adding "Chat IDs" between smartphones.
Would like to #askfedi about the "Conversations Legacy" #conversations #conversations_im @daniel #xmpp client - this version used to be on GooglePlay before some time, but later has disappeared, and I seem to have missed any "official" comment in that regard.
Do I understand correctly that it is just not supported/updated anymore and people who have it (I know somebody) shall update to the mainstream for security reasons?
Would the update recognize the old data or one should proceed via backup and its restoration (if it is possible)? Thanks.
@mintbug диспропорциональные шрифты во всех клиентах #Matrix, постоянная ругань на ключ и и куча польт от юзеров в этом гардеробе - брошенных акков. Где-то в чатах есть юзеры, но за брошенными акками их просто не видно. Из того же jabber-клиента #Conversations можно туда заходить, но проблема там в чатах с автовходами: jabber-учётка там часто так и остаётся в чатах висеть после отключения и при следующем входе (почти каждый раз) нужно менять там ник. Может на компе там всё лучше, но в их клиентах "Элемент", "ШилдиЧат" везде одинаково, по сути.
@CHAYKA43 @rur
У кого‐нибудь в Conversations была такая проблема, что видеозвонок проходит, если собеседник в интернете через WiFi, но не работает, если он в интернете мобильного провайдера? На той стороне: «Текущая сеть не поддерживает видеозвонки» или что‐то такое.
Mining The Gap
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:
→ "La société est de moins en moins adaptée pour les gens comme moi", à 33 ans, Éléna raconte sa vie sans smartphone
« [N]e pas avoir de smartphone, c’est s’offrir plus de liberté : "Je n’ai pas envie d’en être dépendante et d'être submergée par les groupes de conversations en ligne. Je ne veux pas me sentir obligée de répondre à quelqu’un dans la seconde. Je veux être libre." »
Curtin's Cast
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:
We Shouldn't Be Friends
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:
A couple of my favorites have been blowing up my feed recently. It's not that it's spammy, it's just that they have a lot to share - all at one time. Love the posts, but with all things, moderation. The #mute button is a great alternative to un-following. I'm sure I've fallen into that category with some. C'est la vie.
#megaphone vs. #microphone vs. #conversations
No Business Being A Castano
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:
[Question] #XMPP #Dino #Ejabberd and #Conversations
I have an issue regarding rooms configuration, I have one room where xep-0444 (emoji reactions) is enabled and working but on the same server every other rooms haven't the feature and I fucking doesn't find the option to enabled it. Do you know how I can do that ?
I have the exact same issue with the button "Start a call" in all rooms except one where it seems enabled.
Uncomfortable Conversations With Josh Szeps
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:
@kkarhan @delta @monocles @gajim I have to say I'm enjoying using #Deltachat as my email client, just because it feels similar to the apps I already *also* use (like #Signal, WhatsApp, #Gajim, #Conversations). There's less mental "friction" owing to that familiarity of user interface. It sucks that virtually no one else I (regrettably) still email (they still just love, love, love those free-enough-seeming, "encryption-challenged" gmail addresses) can find an email provider supporting autocrypt... but that lowering of mental friction from Deltachat _alone_ is feeling "worth it".
While I highly appreciate #Thunderbird for its calendar and addressbook (precious CalDAV/CardDAV support), the UI is so "busy" in comparison.