Other than the colours, this reminds me of when you first visit Xen in #Halflife
Other than the colours, this reminds me of when you first visit Xen in #Halflife
[RU] Следить за Half-Effect [1]
[EO] Rigardi Half-Effect [1]
[ISV] Gledati za Half-Effect [1]
[HY] Najel Half-Effect [1]
-[1]: https://t.me/+tDsEz2AqdQ45YmUy
-[2]: https://vk.com/btttrn6
Over on /r/halflife someone was fielding names for HL3 if the whole "HLX" thing pans out (which is sounding more likely by the day).
Assuming they don't call it "Half-Life 3", what are some good names? (Remember, rumor has it this is supposed to wrap up Gordon's story instead of leaving on a cliffhanger.)
Here are my contributions:
- Half-Life: Endgame
- Half-Life 2+1
- Half-Life E (backwards 3)
- Half3Life
- Half-Life: The Next Generation
- Half-Life (2026)
- Half-Life III: The Search for Eli
- New Half-Life
- Super Mesa Bros.
- Gordon Freeman's Pro Scientist 2
- Ms. Half-Life
- Mass Effect Spectrometer
And my favorite:
- Texaco Presents: A Quarter Century of Half-Life
[RU] Сегодня переносил декоративные элементы для общего окружения.
[EO] Hodiaŭ mi adaptis dekoraciajn elementojn por ĝenerala ĉirkaŭo.
[ISV] Dnes prěnosil/adaptoval dekorativne elementy za obču srědu.
[HY] Ajsor harmarum ej dekorativ tarrer yndhanury mičavajri hamar.
#HalfLife: Publisher #Sierra hätte den Shooter beinahe aufgegeben
Lol the map is pitch black, but custom textures work
So yeah, did you know that Alien Grunts are surrounded by fireflies when they spawn?
Half Life 2 corrent en una GPU amb 8MB de VRAM!
[warn: LTT]
It's so.... underwhelming. I get that I lived through the gaming of 90and early 2000s, where a year was a milestone, but really? This is what thousands upon thousands of modern computing can add? Only this? And yes, technically it's more impressive, but it's a marginal update for the game?
#HalfLife2RTX seems good, but is still a work in progress that will take a lot of time to tune since RayTracing kills performance and not all bugs have been ironed out.
It's a smooth 20 FPS on the vintage 3060 12GB. #linux #halflife #rtxjustkickedinyo
Cooking With G-Man [Headcrab Jambalaya]
Voice Acting: #JapaneseBushBaby
#HalfLife #Gman #SFM #CoreyLaddo
Half-Life 2 RTX is on Steam finally. Looks like only Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt are available at the moment.
Half Life 2 RTX: Demo ist kostenlos für Besitzer des Originals verfügbar https://www.computerbase.de/news/gaming/half-life-2-rtx-demo-ist-kostenlos-fuer-besitzer-des-originals-verfuegbar.91833/ #halflife #halflife2 #halflife2rtx #hl2rtx #nvidia
Going through Half-Life 2 in VR and that game feels like it was made for it. It’s such a brilliant mod and the game has so much actions. Love it.