“He appeared willing to break Lords rules by offering access to ministers and other peers during discussions with the fake developers concerning sponsorship of a commercial event in parliament run by his son, a deal that cost £25,000.”
Hammerbeam roof
Westminster Hall
#medieval #architecture #architecturephotography #london #westminster #westminsterhall #palaceofwestminster #government #houseofcommons #houseoflords #hammerbeamroof #ukparliament
#nikonownermagazine #nikonowner #nikonz8 #z8 #70200mm
#bnwphotography #bnw #monochrome
I have always argued that MPs and members Of the HoL have dirty habits - here is more evidence.
We could begin the cleanup by culling the HoL.
He - #jdvance - appears to have acquired a #uk fellow traveller in the #HouseofLords in the form of #lordglasman ! #mauriceglasman - who is a #Laɓour peer - has demanded the sacking of #lordhermer, the current #attorneygeneral , apparently for taking the rule of law too seriously! Last month #mauriceglasman attended the inauguration of 47 as an invited guest.
House of Lords deals a blow to AI reform, LLM removed after a copyright claim and a Brazilian soccer streamer moves to YouTube.
As Labour's plans for the House of Lords start to become firmer (lowered age limit, from the manifesto, plus other measures to reduce the size of the House, including a one in/two out policy for party nominations), here's my thoughts from last year on what a real reform of the second chamber could look like....
Start of Prince Harry’s Trial Against Murdoch’s U.K. Tabloids Is Delayed https://www.byteseu.com/672091/ #brooks #Brown #CharlesIII #DukeOfSussex #Gordon #GreatBritain #harry #HouseOfLords(GreatBritain) #KingOfTheUnitedKingdom #LabourParty(GreatBritain) #Lewis #NewsAndNewsMedia #NewsGroupNewspapers #NewsInternationalLtd #NewsOfTheWorld #Rebekah #RoyalFamilies #SuitsAndLitigation(Civil) #UnitedKingdom #William(1969)
Start of Prince Harry’s Trial Against Murdoch’s U.K. Tabloids Is Delayed https://www.inbella.com/867091/start-of-prince-harrys-trial-against-murdochs-u-k-tabloids-is-delayed/ #Brooks #Brown #CharlesIII #DukeOfSussex #Gordon #GreatBritain #HARRY #HouseOfLords(GreatBritain) #KingOfTheUnitedKingdom #LabourParty(GreatBritain) #Lewis #NewsAndNewsMedia #NewsGroupNewspapers #NewsInternationalLtd #NewsOfTheWorld #Rebekah #Royal #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily #RoyalGossip #Royals #RoyalsGossip #SuitsAndLitigation(Civil) #William(1969)
An interesting article - but limited.
I was interested to see the statement 'On this trajectory, the SNP will return with fury in 2029 and win a clear mandate for a second referendum. '
Not if Westminster gets a say! But his pinning of Starmer and the 'Labour Establishment's' two arsed faceness is bang on. And this in The Times as well! The union is still living on borrowed time.
I wonder what #TimeLords actually do (did/will do)? Claim expenses* each time, for turning up three-hundred times in the same day?
* #UKPol ref / #HouseOfLords
Reasons given for Boris Johnson peerages ‘inadequate’, campaigner says | Boris Johnson | The Guardian