Hey y'all, I'm looking for a lawyer who can help me set up a small foundation that essentially acts as a mutual aid escrow account for trans people (and family) in Illinois.
I have a vague idea of what I want this to look like, and enough money to personally fund it for a fair while. It'd probably start with the various support groups at Center on Halsted and radiate out from there. As I see it, the biggest problems would be:
0. Setting up the organization or at least a bank account
1. Time to manage it. Probably we'd need at least a couple other people
2. Verifying identity for first time distribution
3. Validating requests if it's over (for example) $300 (under the theory that small requests will take longer to validate than they would save in preventing possible waste)
4. Setting up some standard way to donate, ideally through direct deposit and a web portal
I've been sitting on this idea for a while, and I really want to make it happen. This is somewhat dependent on my current work contract getting renewed in May, as otherwise there's no way I'll have the bandwidth to deal with this
#askTransgender #trans #transIllinois #Chicago #transfem #transmasc #MutualAid #MutualAidFund #MutualAidFunds