“Therefore I feel myself, as a #psychologist to be an #important man. I must confess that mostly I feel fortunate at this #blessing that has been bestowed upon me…”
Towards a Humanistic Psychology (1956),
Abraham Maslow
“But these tools are all #evil in the hands of evil #men and are #good and desirable only in the hands of good men. The only way to #heal evil men is to #create good men. To understand people better, to know what creates them, and to know how to cure the evil and let the good come out, we must know what evil is and what good is, that is, what #psychological #health is, and what psychological #sickness is. And this is the job for the #psychologist …”
From time to time i cleanup decently and put on makeup. I still don't brush my hair
#today is #nationalMargaritaDay
Since I made it thru my mri today I'm enjoying one at Eureka in Mountain View
It's OK my #psychologist said I can have 1 and that i shouldn't troll the bar for old rock guys lol
Googles Finest.
The cult-like nature of #google was evident during the pre-recruitment screening interviews I had back in ‘12.
The Management #Psychologist working as a recruiter[*] (I asked about their background) made one statement to me that stood out. Any decision making matrix was prefaced by:
“Whats good for #Google?”
That decision making matrix hired a bunch of meta-stable individuals, one of who killed a US Border Patrol Agent. Cult like Google has a part in this. Extremism and ideology in Tech and Engineering is a known issue.[^] I doubt they’d have qualms hiring individuals with narcissistic zealots streaks [%] if it was good for the company.
#Psych / #technology / #CompSci https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/18/jack-lasota-alleged-cult-like-group-zizian-arrest-maryland
*) I didn’t take the recruitment further. The hassle of travel / relocation was not worth the compensation.
^) #Tech, #Engineering, #Extremism <https://duckduckgo.com/?q=tech+engineering+extremism&ia=web>
%) I’m thinking of the Hare Psychopathy checklists to screen for malignant zealots. <https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/spycatcher/201404/why-predators-are-attracted-to-careers-in-the-clergy>
A BIG congratulations to Dr. William Pilny who has completed his postdoctoral fellowship at CEH and has become a Licensed Psychologist in NJ! We are excited to welcome Dr. Pilny as a Staff Psychologist at CEH and look forward to our continued work together! From the entire CEH team, congratulations on this accomplishment! Learn more about Dr. Pilny here: https://zurl.co/xMtn5
The Yukon is regulating psychologists. It's necessary.
In addition to usual requirements, any #psychologist working in the #Yukon must show knowledge of #FirstNations history & #culture.
Not a bad idea! However, there is a shortage of psychologists. Practicioners are regularly flown in.
Absurdly, the president of the local Psychological Society thinks that requiring addtl courses will make it more attractive for psychologists to fly in. ???
Tearful Trump Voter HORRIFIED After Getting EXACTLY What She Voted For
Can ANY #psychologist tell me HOW a #GenZ #Latinx woman can SEE the #MSGNaziRally, HEAR Trump call Mexicans and Puerto Ricans
all sorts of horrid things, all sorts of patriarchal, misogynist, misogynoir shit...AND ...STILL...VOTE...FOR...TRUMP???!!!!
You forgot the #Neuroflash database of Dr. #Jonathan #Mall, who sold his soul to #UK, #IL and US #billionaires in 2013 (#Betahaus with Deva) to become the most #morally #filthy person active in science today.
But hey, he can become even more powerful and rich, than his #oil-company exec dad in Hamburg, while tricking his way around his 2nd #oedipus with his #psychologist mom with neuroscience, and hang out with famous musicians!
All that a #sociopathic #cash autist could ever hope for!
TL;DR: "Psychologist" is a problematic term
Psychology has had a #terminology problem for 100+ years, repurposing natural-language terms which then feed back into popular usage and are now ambiguous or poorly defined. In my opinion one of the worst problems here is #Psychology and #Psychologist.
What do you think of when you hear "A psychologist said..."? A researcher? A clinician? Something else?
Imagine if M.D.s were called "biologists", structural engineers were called "physicists," or attorneys were called "philosophers."
Okay the last one is a stretch.
My point is that, in other fields, there are distinct terms for the people generating domain-specific knowledge and those applying that knowledge. In psychology we don't have that; both a researcher studying cognition and a therapist doing CBT are called "psychologist," despite having radically different jobs and different relationships to knowledge about human behavior & brains.
This won't change anything, because I'm just some tiny-college prof, and I am aware that there have been multiple attempts to fix psychology's terminology problems in the past. Nevertheless, here is my proposal, to the Gods of Language:
Psychology researcher: Psychologist
Psychology practitioner: Psychologer
Although I claim no restrictive copyright on the second term or this system, any gratitude-based donations can be sent to my personal PayPal.
Last call!
Upcoming Webinar Alert!
Join CEH and instructor Richard Gallagher, LMFT, for an online continuing education webinar, Treating Contamination #OCD Using the Mastery Approach based on his recent book.
Details & Registration: https://zurl.co/3QhjB