Trump Organization fined a mere $1.6 million after being convicted of running a 15-year(!) #taxfraud scheme …
So crime pays off.
#TrumpsTaxes #taxtherich

Trump Organization fined a mere $1.6 million after being convicted of running a 15-year(!) #taxfraud scheme …
So crime pays off.
#TrumpsTaxes #taxtherich
"They got Al Capone on taxes!."
but WHY did they do that?
He paid off judges & law enforcement.
He threatened people to stop them from testifying.
He had political support from corrupt politicians.
It's great someone figured out how to stop him using #taxcrimes but think about all the other crimes he committed.
#Trump should be prosecuted for multiple crimes. Will he?
I hope so, I want him to go to prison for his sexual assaults & rape of #EJeanCarrol
#TrumpsTaxes #AlCapone
People love to bring up "They got Al Capone on taxes." but WHY did they do that?
He paid off judges & law enforcement.
He threatened & intimidated people to stop them from testifying.
He had political support from corrupt politicians.
It's great someone figured out how to stop him using #taxcrimes but think about all the other crimes he committed.
I'd like to see #Trump go down for multiple crimes like his sexual assaults & rape of #EJeanCarrol
Here’s a good break down of Tr*mps taxes. Please, if you read anything of import today, let this be one of those things.
TFG's tax returns released!
The documents, covering 2015 to 2020, could provide new insight into his wealth, the performance of his business empire and how he was able to reduce his tax liability.
A preliminary analysis released last week by the House Ways and Means Committee found that Trump paid little to no taxes for several years by claiming huge business losses.
I paid more in taxes last year than this PoS paid in three. (And that was with taking every legal deduction I possibly could). #trumptaxes #trumptaxreturns #trumpstaxes #fraud #taxtherich #taxreturns
Attachment "E" is a 1.1GB zip file of Trump's personal and business taxes. #TrumpsTaxes
House Ways and Means Committee release 6 years of Trump's tax returns.
Trump paid $750 in taxes in 2016, 2017 and $0 in 2020.
Hmmmm...wonder if I could get away with this?
Even with all of the grifting and sleazy scamming, #trumpstaxes say he hasn't made any money in years.
READ: Trump’s personal taxes released by House Ways and Means
Trump Tax Returns Released by House Democrats
The publication of former President Donald J. Trump’s private tax documents comes amid questions about why the I.R.S. failed to fully audit him during his presidency. #trumpstaxes #TrumpTaxReturns
"While much of the information in the tax returns has already come to light, including through the two reports released last week, the full records from 2015 through 2020 are expected to provide a rare window into the complexity of Mr. Trump’s finances and whether he may have profited from tax policies he signed into law as president. Those include the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act, which provided a series of tax breaks and cuts for businesses and wealthy people." #TrumpTaxRetuns #trumpstaxes
The #HouseWaysAndMeansCommittee will release former President Donald #Trump’s #taxreturns Friday morning, a source familiar confirmed to @CNN.
How the release of Trump’s taxes blows up a big GOP myth
Despite all the Republican talk of 'fishing expeditions,' Democrats have been vindicated.
Gifted article w my subscription to the @washingtonpost
@GregSargent @paulwaldman #washingtonpost
#trumpstaxes #trumpstaxreturn #WaysandMeansCommittee #gop #democrats
Just in case MAGA still has their underroos in a wad over the release of #trumpstaxes. Please remind these "Morans" that President Biden has released 22yrs of his tax returns. You can read that shit online
The Art of the Grift:
He claimed to make billions, but for the 6 years of taxes released by the January 6th Committee, Trump declared he not only made no money, he paid no taxes and got $3,692,251 in “refunds.”
#TrumpsTaxes #LockHimUp #TrumpCrimeFamily…
#TrumpsTaxes. The initial information on TFG's taxes reveals the failure to conduct the required mandatory audits. For example 2016 tax audit didn't happen until 2019. The IRS Inspector General should have his pedal to the metal right now.
“Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” —Ben Franklin