Posted pictures of Bucky and Bruiser recently, now here's Jenny from Bucky O'Hare and The Toad Wars!
Posted pictures of Bucky and Bruiser recently, now here's Jenny from Bucky O'Hare and The Toad Wars!
Team muscle and ships' engineer! Bruiser the Betelgeusian Berserker Baboon!
Various figures I own tonight.
Missing Link Convoy / Optimus Prime.
Snail Shells' Assassin.
Bossfight Studios' Bucky O'Hare.
And Joytoys' 1st Legion Stina and Hurricane Light-Assault Mecha.
Just felt like taking pics of different figures.
I always feel like I need to take pictures of her only in direct sunlight.
Eos Warrior by Bossfight Studio! Love the translucent plastic and the Phoenix on the shield!
The Eos Warrior from Bossfight Studio! Love the translucent plastic on her!
Stonefist, the Gorgon Hunter taking on 3 of the beast. A priestess of the Serpentess Order, a Milksnake Gorgon with a spear in her throat, and a Boa Constrictor Gorgon coiling the blind warrior.
Still have loads of fun with these!
Some pictures I took last night. I love how these figures react to the light!
The Afterlife Gorgon from Bossfight Studio is a sweet glow in the dark toy.
The weapons are definitely my favorite part because they're made out of repurposed church parts! The stained-glass window shard axe and a church bell clapper as a mace. It's good stuff!
Boss Fight Studio's Gargoyle with her alternate display options is pretty sweet. Her weapons, extended wings, and monster head all look great!
I never apprediated gargoyles as monsters enough when I was a kid. Even after seeing the Gargoyles cartoon I wasn't really into them. Buy they really are a cool idea for a beastie.
Faerie Warrior Winged Terror made by Bossfight Studio for their Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. toy line!
I got two of these because getting just one didn't feel right. Thankfully the deslay options means both can be different from eachother!
The design choice to use insect and leaves as armor and weapons is a fun idea and hints at how small these characters are meant to be. I should do more pictures of them.
I don't know why my brain gives the ape Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force's voice like "Yeah dat's a real cute outfit ya got dare frog-man. Ain't gonna look so cute wit' a few holes innit though, yah know what I'm sayin'?"
More risers, more toys. None of the shelves are as dark as the pictures suggest 2/2
#toycollecting #actionfigures #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #masterverse #mattel #hasbro #playmates #tmnt #bossfightstudio