@prcutler @kattni @todbot #circuitPython #circuitPython2023 I think that went really well, and it was a pleasure to spend the time together. You can catch the recorded stream at https://www.youtube.com/live/SC4hUUfxVB0?feature=share
@prcutler @kattni @todbot #circuitPython #circuitPython2023 I think that went really well, and it was a pleasure to spend the time together. You can catch the recorded stream at https://www.youtube.com/live/SC4hUUfxVB0?feature=share
I just built the PicoTouch keyboard that @todbot sent me for #CircuitPython2023. #CircuitPython
Talking about #circuitpython2023, my personal goal is to become more organized. I will try to publish my project vlogs regularly, maybe monthly I hope. Better documentation and note taking is also a part of it.
Regarding CircuitPython Online IDE, I am thinking about the marriage of vscode.dev and CircuitPython. Another idea is widgets in IDE that could make CircuitPython projects more interactive.
But on top of all, keep learning and try to contribute.
After reading through some #circuitpython2023 posts I have a few thoughts/dreams as well:
1) more camera support across the line of boards
2) generally, more consistency across the ports: which boards support I2S? sdioio? Waking from sleep on PinAlarm?
3) outside of the software: more consistency across the docs and tutorials. Sometimes a particular method, or working with a certain breakout feels under documented
Anyway, #circuitpython is great, so whatever the future brings is all good!
I took some time to write up my thoughts on #CircuitPython for the #CircuitPython2023 roundup. In a nutshell, I want to continue focusing on making tools for intermediate users allowing them to better develop code for their projects and libraries. This will probably take the form of improvements to GitHub Actions, existing CircuitPython infrastructure, and standalone tools. You can see my full post as a gist here:
I have been thinking what to write for #circuitpython2023. I felt like I did not contribute much in 2022, but looking back at GitHub was a great reminder to me of what I did accomplish (even if some wasn't directly CircuitPython related).
I do not have any specific feature I would like to see added, but I hope I can continue to contribute picking up smaller community core requests that may not be top priority for the core team. Bonus points for flashy/showy requests.
Every year we do #CircuitPython2023 to encourage longer-term planning for #CircuitPython. I've posted my thoughts on the @adafruit blog. https://blog.adafruit.com/2023/01/05/scotts-circuitpython2023-tannewt/
My main goal is to bring coding to phones and tablets with wireless (BLE and WiFi) #CircuitPython coding. Here are two screen recordings of it in action. File Glider makes files on CP available to other apps through the file API. PyLeap makes it easy to browse and download a project to start with.
@matt_trentini #CircuitPython2023 and make a request what you'd like to see included in the language this year. Entries close Jan 18th.
More development of Bluetooth Low Energy, especially for Bluetooth Mesh (BLE 5) would be great for #CircuitPython2023. Lora works well for long distance, low-power communication, but requires the purchase of another radio -BLE is built into many microcontrollers already. #CircuitPython programmed sensor nodes forwarding data long distances through multiple low-power devices would open many new applications.
What I'd love to see in #CircuitPython2023 is support for reading PS4 controllers over Bluetooth on the PicoW. This would really open up robot development using #CircuitPython for #STEM projects aimed at children.
My #circuitpython wish list for #circuitpython2023
1. Language syntax dictionary. All languages have this in one form or another and if properly done is too expansive for a learn guide. It should be all in the docs. Circuit Python is kind of a black box for learning what synatx is ported from Python or microPython because it’s mostly undocumented or so spread out you have to use 10 tabs to find an applicable example.
2. User pages needs pagination. They’re not easy, intuitive, or fun to use.
Also for #CircuitPython2023 I would LOVE to see a nice plugin for Sublime Text that shows the REPL beneath my code (like Thonny but without using Thonny)
#CircuitPython2023 All I want for 2023 is to see one of my ideas come to life - an RP2040 powered, rechargable, programable bike light in a waterproof enclosure (basically just a slightly bigger Feather RP2040 with a built in LED matrix (available in red and white). Of course, powered by #CircuitPython ! (I would make it myself but I don't have the manufacturing expertise).
Jepler’s #circuitpython 2022 in review
I became a self-appointed floppy guru¹, vintage keyboard guru, and pico-w guru. I renewed my camera guru certification. I got to attend PyCon and meet some more of the community.
Challenges in 2022
Sometimes, we faced problems with no clear solution, or where the problems seem to originate in hardware or SDKs that we don’t really have the expertise to work around or correct.
Especially while Scott was out on parental leave, there was a big gulf between what we wanted to accomplish in the core and what we had the time and energy for. (I’m sure others felt the same while I was taking a chunk of time off!)
Version 8 has spent a lot of time in beta, and is still not in a stable release.
#CircuitPython2023 goals
Others tend to cover human & community goals better than I could. So here are a few technical items that are on my mind:
Async: Making core and library changes as needed, get to the point where it’s possible for a device to smoothly animate an LED strip while connecting to wifi and making or receiving web requests. Or get as close as possible to that goal
LCD displays: in practice, displayio does not achieve a good fraction of the maximum theoretical redraw rate. Investigate whether we can do better within the current design, or what new design would make better trade-offs.
Audio: Work on robustness & real-time generation of audio waveforms (e.g., with ulab).
Releasing: We should work to keep release cycles shorter.
¹ Note, this does not actually mean I know more than you about any of these things. But I know a lot more than I did last year.
One thing I hope to get into beta support for CP9 in 2023 is Matter support. I know there’s some intricacies around it’s implementation, but it would definitely allow makers to develop devices that work with a growing number of commercial products. #CircuitPython2023 #CircuitPython
@adafruit wants to hear about your #CircuitPython goals in 2023! https://blog.adafruit.com/2023/01/01/circuitpython-in-2023-circuitpython2023-circuitpython/
One of the ways you can contribute is a post on Mastodon with tags #CircuitPython and #CircuitPython2023 -- e-mailing circuitpython2023@adafruit.com to make sure we see it won't hurt.
Please boost for wider coverage! We want to hear from folks at all levels and stages of experience.
h/t @tannewt for kicking off the process and curating the results!
Happy New Year! My post to kick off #CircuitPython2023 is live on the @adafruit blog! I'm excited to see what folks are thinking about. #CircuitPython