A nice rest now, just a Champions League 2nd leg against some French team and a League Cup Final.
A nice rest now, just a Champions League 2nd leg against some French team and a League Cup Final.
Public servants, NOT Egyptian gods.
Yet indifference and complacency have allowed the most despicable of daemons to take over every system, every agency, every element designed to govern human society.
We can't know the future & so many are struggling in this world
Those who help most struggle most
Those who help least struggle least
The #middleclass produces despots by giving of themselves more to support #capitalism & #fascism, than ever to help those in #poverty
There's this state of #apathy & #complacency, built on fear, that keeps lined the pockets of those at upper echelons of #society
Like keeping those in power appeased, that they too aren't left with nothing
→ Algorithms are breaking how we think
“[A]n increasing number of people are so used to algorithmically-generated #feeds that they no longer care to have a self-directed #experience that they are in #control of. [I]t feels like large swaths of people have forgotten to exercise their own #agency. That is what I mean by algorithmic #complacency. More and more people don’t seem to know or #care how to view the #world without a #computer #algorithm guiding what they #see.”
Tilda Swinton
“State-perpetrated and internationally-enabled mass murder is currently actively terrorizing more than one part of our world”
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but complancy and a lack of curiosity killed the democracy.
Well America is a nation in decline you see… made possible by Trump and the Republican Party… not so MAGA basically.
‘Sputnik moment’: $1tn wiped off US stocks after Chinese firm unveils AI chatbot | DeepSeek | The Guardian
‘Sputnik moment’, eat that Donald J. Trump
#MLK #Apathy #Complacency #PositiveAction
We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there "is" such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and postive action.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why have we stopped fighting back?
Fight Complacency!
#Complacency puts secure operations at risk. Here's what we mean: https://blueridgenetworks.com/year-of-ot-security/
Fight Complacency!
#Complacency puts secure operations at risk. Here's what we mean: https://blueridgenetworks.com/year-of-ot-security/
I'm noticing that an awful lot of people are ONLY JUST NOW suddenly starting to realize the consequences of a second T**** term. They just weren't aware of what was at stake by allowing a #Hitler-quoting, twice impeached, #ClimateDenying #ConvictedFelon #AdjudicatedRapist who's going to abandon #Gaza & #Taiwan and destroy the #economy with massive #tariffs, to become president (again.)
#Harris' greatest enemy was #Complacency.
Ukraine Daily Summary - Saturday, November 9 2024
Biden has 6 weeks left to help Ukraine; here's what he could do -- Ukrainian drones hit oil refinery in Russia's Saratov, HUR source confirms -- Russian army used chemical weapons 323 times in October -- Russian drone damages Estonian ambassador's apartment building in Kyiv -- While the US counts votes, Russia counts on global complacency -- and more"Fewer Americans eligible to vote bothered to do so compared to 2020. Then over 158m voted, this time the vote was down to 143m. The voter turnout of those eligible fell to 58.2% from the high of 65.9% in 2020.
"Around 40% of Americans registered to vote did not do so. And the number of Americans who failed to register rose to 19m from 12m in 2020. So, although Trump got 51% of those who voted, he actually got only 28% support of Americans of voting age."
Michael Roberts: https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2024/11/09/us-election-2024-inflation-immigration-and-identity/
The incumbent parties in developed countries obtain fewer votes than before:
In 2024, Trump received 2-3m fewer votes than in 2020; Harris-Biden 13-14m fewer.
Why did so many voters stay home?
There are 140m poor & low-wage adults in the US, "43% of our country":
30% of white ppl
60% of Black ppl
68% of Latino ppl
68% of Indigenous ppl
Everywhere a living wage was on the ballot, Dems won.
(Rephrased from @DrALJONES)
"As far as I’m concerned, ‘liberal’ is the most meaningless word in the dictionary. History has shown me that as long as some white middle-class people can live high on the hog, take vacations to Europe, send their children to private schools, and reap the benefits of their white skin privilege, then they are ‘liberal’. But when times get hard and money gets tight, they pull off that liberal mask and you think you’re talking to Adolf Hitler. They feel sorry for the so-called underprivileged just as long as they can maintain their own privileges.”
- Assata Shakur
"With the assistance of big corporate donors, Democrats out-fundraised their opponent by huge margins. After Biden’s victory four years ago, they also had a readymade template for how to defeat him — preaching ambitious social policies and activist government — but bafflingly opted to pursue a rerun of Clinton’s disastrous strategy instead."
Luke Savage: https://novaramedia.com/2024/11/08/democrats-have-only-themselves-to-blame/