#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump #vows to go after his #enemies if #elected. Meet two of his #enforcers who are ready to carry out that task.
Former President Trump tells his #supporters he'll be their "#retribution" if #elected in November.
October 9th, Jewish US American journalist Jeremy Loffredo was blindfolded tightly, roughed up at gun point by #israeli 'soldiers' to be hauled off with three colleagues to detention in #Jerusalem.
The @israel 'justice' accused him of “aiding the enemy in a time of war” and revealing secret locations, but #YNet published an article including the full video report...
Since, military censor approved the jewish publication, they had to release Loffredo, but he is not free to go home.
@thegrayzonenews on the case of #JeremyLoffredo and risks of reporting from so called 'only democracy in the middle east'.
To adress Your concerns at the State Department call 1-888-407-4747
or mailto: JerusalemACS@state.gov
#FreeJeremyLoffredo #Jewish #USA #Journalism #TheGrayzone #FreePress #underAttack #censorship #israeliJusticeLeague #IOF so called ' @israel "defense" forces' aka #warcriminals & #genocide #enforcers vs. #civilians of @palestine
+1 415 285 5067
(search for "NLG protester resources" in your state for local phone numbers)
protesting in the USA? write this number on your arm. use it if abducted by state enforcers. let's be safe out there.
(links to all languages here also)
"but if you're pro-union, why are you anti-cop-union?" because #cops are not #laborers. what cops do is not #labor. they are #enforcers of the #laws that #oppress laborers and exist solely to protect capital. don't bother me with #stupid #questions.
Boulder, Colorado, is hosting the "Problem Oriented Policing" conference. Pigs from across the country will be there to share strategies of oppression.
To protest this event, meet at
Emma Gomez Martinez Park
at 7 PM on August 7. Visit
to learn more!
When you put it that way, then, no I won't be walking any dogs on your property...
Is it any wonder that the naysayers about #masking are #celebrating, and the #enforcers are aghast and pushing back? The thing is, science doesn't care either way. Science requires repeated objective analysis of both sides, and hopefully those few people with scientific inclanations will try to come to conclusions based on nonbiased and balanced information. My own opinion on #masks is a controversial one,