We are honoured to announce that Tom Kralidis is the recipient of the
2024 Sol Katz Award presented on 6 December 2024 at #FOSS4G2024 in Belém, Brazil.
You may know Tom through his activities within the #GeoPython community. Tom also plays a critical role in promoting #OGC standards, throughout FOSS4G projects and connecting the OGC +
#OSGeo communities. He is active in the OSGeo Board & committees.
Read more about Tom Kralidis & the award https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/tom-kralidis-receives-the-2024-sol-katz-award/ #FOSS4G
@hafi hat einen Bericht zur #FOSS4G2024 in Belém in Brasilien verfasst und hier veröffentlicht: https://fossgis.de/news/2024_12_07_bericht_foss4g-2024_belem/
Viel Spaß beim lesen.
#GRASSGIS folks in full swing at the #foss4g2024 Code Sprint, cultivating open-source innovation and welcoming new users!
This morning I was very happy to learn that @tomkralidis won the 2024 Sol Katz Award. Congratulations!
Not only is Tom one of the leading software architects in the world of #GeoInformatics, he is above all a Community builder and leader. Well deserved.
FOSS4G 2024 Belem closing session!
日本からの参加者は9人と、地球の反対側にも関わらず、隣国アルゼンチンからの参加者と同数の同列4位と、今回もその存在感をしっかり示せました。FOSS4G 2026 はもう一度日本での開催にチャレンジするぞ!!
@hafi from @FOSSGISeV showing how to run a successful local @osgeo chapter. #FOSS4G2024
Vicky Vergara and Claudia Dragoste present an update on pgRouting at #FOSS4G2024 including thanks to OSGeo:UK for our GoFundGeo Sponsorship https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2024/talk/L8HGVW/ https://uk.osgeo.org/gofundgeo.html
@doublebyte presents pygeoapi and vector tiles using Elasticsearch at #foss4g2024
Missing @jorgesanz in this pygeoapi+elasticsearch talk at #FOSS4G2024
Today the #foss4gukLocal2023 t-shirt! #foss4g2024 Thanks to everyone for a great conference #GISchat
GRASS GIS at FOSS4G 2024 in Belém!
We’re thrilled to share that the GRASS team made a strong impact at #foss4g2024 with a keynote, an engaging workshop, and an insightful talk!
But that's not all—tomorrow we'll be at the code sprint, ready to connect and collaborate. Come find us! Let's chat about all things GRASS and open-source GIS.
See you there!
Sending a message of love to all of my friends at #foss4g #foss4g2024 @foss4g
May the FOSS be with you all!
Just in time for #FOSS4G2024 and State of the Map Latam in Belém, the Shortbread site got a new design: https://shortbread-tiles.org/
#SOTMLATAM2024 #OpenStreetMap #SOTM #Brasil #Belem
Slides of the #FOSS4G2024 talk "Shortbread - the new OpenStreetMap vector tile schema" are available online: https://pka.github.io/customizing-shortbread-vector-tiles/