Himalayan Snow Lines On The Rise
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/153945/himalayan-snow-lines-on-the-rise <-- shared NASA technical article
https://www.icimod.org/press-release/snow-update-report-2024-water-shortages-feared-as-hindu-kush-himalaya-sees-extraordinary-below-normal-snow-year-second-lowest-snow-persistence-on-record/ <-- shared technical article on Himalaya snow persistence changes
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Nepal #India #Himalayas #Himalayan #mountains #climatechange #snowpersistence #remotesensing #earthobservation #glacier #glacial #melting #MountEverest #water #hydrology #cryology #snow #ice #waterresources #watersecurity #waterresources #fire #risk #hazard #OLI2 #Landsat #meteorology #weather #annual #precipitation #monsoon #sublimation #temperature #wind #humidity #extremeweather #wildfire #humanimpacts #snowline #newnormal #agriculture #foodsecurity #drought
2/3 40 minutes later, i'm at 18%rh …i might've reduced the living room door gap a bit, juggling CO2 ppms versus humidity.
…it's -2°C outside (that's minus 2 science-degrees, below freezing, for all y'alls boulder-units types )
"Ein übersehenes #Risiko: #Hitze gefährdet die #psychische #Gesundheit"
Thanks to the Bosch Alumni Network.
With Beatrice Ellerhoff , Dr. Kathrin Zangerl , Steffen Lohrey , Dr. Maximilian Jungmann
"#Katastrophen aus Menschenhand" https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68680-5
#HeatWaves #humidity #Health #MentalHealth #DRR #ClimateChange #DisasterRiskReduction
Ok well two of these evaporative humidifiers going has helped a good bit!
I’m pumping around 8 gallons (30.3 L) of water into the house air per day.
Investigating the case of human nose shape and climate adaptation
#ycombinator #Nose #Humidity #Genetics #Europe #Phenotypes #Population_genetics #Single_nucleotide_polymorphisms #Genetic_drift
It’s astonishing the amount of water I’m sending into the air to keep the humidity levels even this high.
The heating in this cold weather is vicious to the atmosphere.
The air mass over southern New Mexico right now is very, very dry.
Alamogordo airport is reporting a dewpoint of 0F at 4,200 feet elevation.
Our neighborhood weather station is reporting -21F dewpoint at 9,440ft. (Even if that reading is incorrect by some amount, it's very dry air up here.)
UPDATE 2: just arrived! tysm!!!
Hey y'all, I am starting to have health issues from the mold that keeps forming in the apartment because of extreme humidity, and I'm worried it will start affecting the baby too. #Seattle #humidity is awful and we really need help getting it under control. Plus @nullagent doesn't want to be cleaning windows with bleach every other day
January 18th.
When the air #temperature approaches the dew point, the chances of fog are quite high. Additionally, the #humidity begins to condense, which appears as dew drops on various objects – including #spider webs.
Our Portable Aircraft Rucksack for Atmospheric Sensing and In-situ Turbulence Estimation (PARASITE) is a meteorological payload we developed for multicopters - here a #dji #Mavic3E. The system measures #temperature,
#humidity and
We applied this system during the @DeutscherWetterdienst #HErZ #VITAL campaign¹ last summer @fzj and are currently improving and validating it further.
Small #UAS (uncrewed aircraft systems) such as #multicopters can bridge the observation gap of high-resolution in-situ measurements in the lower atmosphere (lowest few km).
We'll present more @EuroGeosciences #EGU25 this year.