[NEW POST] Knysna e la Garden Route: lungo una delle strade più scenografiche del mondo, in Sudafrica.
[NEW POST] La Garden Route è famosa per la bellezza e la varietà di paesaggi che attraversa e Knysna è una delle località ideali per fare tappa.
Il Sudafrica si dimostra sempre più stupefacente.
Coming Up On Carte Blanche – 17 March 2024
#CarteBlancheTV #Mnet101 #StoepWaterparkCricketGrounds #BudgetCutWoes #AquanautActivist #CarteBlanchePodcast #Knysna #AubreyTsengwa #HomeOfVultures #online #streaming #television
This 2nd hand Knysna Viper was an opportunity I could not resist. Tbh. saying it is on the tippy side for me is an understatement - I went swimming 4x during the first training. But blimey, it is fast! Getting the hang of it now, 2nd an 3d training were notably drier and my remount seems to be improving . Stay tuned. #surfski #knysna #knysnaracing
Today I ran the #Knysna forest #Marathon! Another beautiful 42 in #SouthAfrica, around the hilly forests ending down by the sea in Knysna!
Tijdens mijn rondreis door Zuid-Afrika maak ik een wandeling van 2,2 kilometer in het Featherbed Nature Reserve in Knysna. Een fantastisch gebied met mooie uitzichten. Alles over Featherbed Nature Reserve lees je in dit artikel.
Missy isn’t my only friend who loves drinking from a hose…
I especially miss spending time and researching these magnificent animals.
Landmark asset forfeiture case to be heard today
(My column today, about the potential seizure by the NPA of the entire Knysna Taxi Rank because a drug dealer was busted there.)
@quanahjoan And here in #Knysna #SouthAfrica we have 33 degrees C..... in the shade....
@louis in #Knysna the lack of rain already has us under level3 water restrictions, and the municipality has now asked us to reduce ablutions to save water during #LoadShedding.
#SouthAfrica is wild!
Tijdens mijn rondreis door Zuid-Afrika maak ik een wandeling van 2,2 kilometer in het Featherbed Nature Reserve in Knysna. Alles over deze korte wandeling en het gebied lees je in deze blog.