QSFer K.S. Trenten has a new FF fantasy romance out: At Her Service.
There are one too many Ariellas in our family chateau, when my stepmother becomes its mistress. She’s the rightful Ariella, and Ariella is a name she’ll only share with her daughter. Fortunately, the lady doesn’t realize I’m more than happy to give her daughter anything, ...
#Fantasy #NewRelease #LesbianRomance #Lesbian #LGBTQBookstodon @LGBTQBookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #books
The version of Donna I know — my Donna — is the little old #lesbian who survived and buried a husband, then two wives, and lived to tell the tale of all three. The one who kept showing up long after it would have been easier to disappear.
“The characters are so vivid, you feel like you should be able to reach out and touch them.”
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@lgbtqbookstodon @bookstodon @sapphicbooks
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