Not actually a lily. Very interesting native plant. Camassia.

Not actually a lily. Very interesting native plant. Camassia.
Not much to see here.Look closely for emerging tufts of grass. Last fall I torched 1000 sq ft of turf in my yard and sowed it with a pollinator-friendly mix of Dutch clover, fescue, creeping thyme, and self-heal. The goal is to support pollinators while looking like a suburban lawn.
#Pollinators #NativePlants
Look at all the tiny leaves getting ready to unfurl. Bracken fern fiddlehead (Pteridium aquilinum) in Cowen Park, Seattle, WA
#Photography #SeattleWashington #SeattleSpring #NativePlants #NativePlantsOfThePNW
First day of volunteering at the #Xeriscape Demonstration Garden today! I got to pet and groom many #NativePlants just waking up for #spring. I also disturbed a sleeping #YellowJacket queen, but she did not sting me. And I moved a tiny #PrayingMantis to a plant that had already been cut back.
Now I have to finish reading In Cold Blood for Classics book group tonight. Two social things in one day! That is too many things. According to the dogs, anyway.
#bookstodon #AmReading
Random unexplained photo of a very narrow part of our backyard #BloomScrolling #Ceanothus #NativePlants #Yarden #Fujifilm #SOoC
Black-tailed bumble bee bumbling his way over our ceonothus. The honey bees outnumber them 20 to 1, but they are real troupers. The plant is swarming with them, as well as other pollinators. So good to see…
#bees #naturephotography #naturelovers #nativeplants #pollinators #flowerphotography #flowers
"This is not how it looks"
Lady's Smock near #HopeGarden, #Pembrokeshire, #Cymru
I finally spotted the swamp lanterns, aka skunk cabbage. growing along the trails and stream banks. There were a lot of them! A celebratory spring photo of Lysichiton americanus in Seattle
#Photography #SeattleWashington #SeattleSpring #NativePlants #CowenPark #OlmstedParks
Birds need thousands upon thousands of insects to raise a clutch of babies to fledging. Where do all those insects- usually in larval form = caterpillars, inchworms, come from? That’s right, NATIVE plants. Reserve your plants by April 1 at 11:59pm, and get all the preorder perks, including volume discounts and early access to additional limited species! Shop now at
Who do you hear in your dawn chorus?
We found one pale pink salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) bush in bloom, promising insipid fruit in fall. Although the birds love them. No accounting for taste.
#Photography #SeattleWashington #CowenPark #OlmstedParks #NativePlants #PNW
This is a field full of them. They look like blue glitter when you’re out walking.
Houstonia pusilla, tiny bluet
They’re so cute.
Tiny bluets are one of the first native wild flowers to bloom in spring here. Companion planted these with a hackberry tree seedling.
Houstonia pusilla
Here they are again! Arctic sweet coltsfoot (Petasites frigidus) on a warm sunny PNW day. I decided the dog and I should check out the muddy trails to see if anything was finally blooming, and anything was!
#Photography #NativePlants #SeattleWashington
Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) near Symphoricarpos orbiculatus and Smilax in Norman, Oklahoma, United States on Feb. 23, 2025 Camera settings I used making this photo are at: #dark_eyed_junco #Junco #nativeplants #wildlifephotography #buckbrush #greenbriar #Oklahoma
Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) near Symphoricarpos orbiculatus and Smilax in Norman, Oklahoma, United States on February 23, 2025
Some of the camera settings I used to make this photo are at:
I've been seeing both of these species popping up on iNat back in Louisiana, and it's got me daydreaming about spring ephemerals and wondering what I might find and learn here in Oregon as we have our warmest day of the year so far.
I wrote this last year about a little plant and a little butterfly & being surprised by the little things that can just pop up if we let them be here and take the time to appreciate them when they are.
Join us this Saturday for one of the best garden shows in the area! An easy drive from Hamilton and Marion counties! We will bring bare root plants with us, or order ahead by email for pick up in Lebanon! #indiana #nativeplants #hoosiernews #HoosierMast #nativeplantsunlimited #IndianaWildlifeFederation #hoosierenvironmentalcouncil #IndianaNativePlants #hoosiersocial #indianapolis