Three papers with #SECUSO participation have been accepted for presentation at this year's Conference on #Human #Computer Interaction (CHI 2025)! The journal article "Encouraging Users to Change Breached Passwords Using the Protection Motivation Theory" by @yixinzou, Khue Le, Peter Mayer, Alessandro Acquisti, Adam J. Aviv, and Florian Schaub deals with design interventions to encourage users to change breached passwords. Furthermore, the paper “It's a Match - Enhancing the Fit between Users and #Phishing Training through #Personalisation” by Lorin Schöni, Neele Roch, Hannah Sievers, Martin Strohmeier, Peter Mayer, and Verena Zimmermann, as well as the Late Breaking Work “It's like an explosion”: #Cyberwarfare harms for civilian population in Ukraine during the Russian invasion” by Oksana Kulyk, Jari Kickbusch, and Peter Mayer were accepted. CHI 2025 will take place in Yokohama, Japan, from April 26 to May 1st, 2025.
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