This is what I feel like after recent news cycle.
They're creating an environment where any dissent is dismissed as unreal. Definitely the postmodern zeitgeist - reality is unreal.
Mike Johnson Baselessly Claims Constituents Challenging Republicans at Town Halls Are “Paid Actors”
Sehr cool. Ich hatte mal die Idee die Seite www.iscream.tld zu machen. Mit unterschiedlichen Themen/Anlässen weswegen man schreit (Tagesaktuelles, Ungerechtigkeit, Liebeskummer, Faschismus, Kapitalismus, ...).
Da kann man dann Videos von sich verlinken (hochladen) wie man schreit. Mit Rating- und Suchfunktion (welche Videos gefallen am meisten Leuten).
Screaming >>>>>>>>>>>>
The rumors of my demise are a staggering exaggeration. Join me, time for The Outlast Trials.
If Grace is here, you will have a great time.
#streamer #gaming #TheOutlastTrials #outlast #horrorgame #streaming #pcgames #videogames #screaming #twitch
This is a collection of #screaming #distortion based #electronicMusic tracks that I released in February this year.
It was just a thing I had to work through/out.
Not gonna stop bitch, will pound u harder and deeper slut, the louder u scream the harder i'm gonna fuck you!!
Take it bitch TAKE IT!!
So are #Hashtags supposed to be #CamelCase or all #lowercase
Why was I #screaming ?
I’m still here, but the feminine rage is real. I just cannot with these cabinet appointments. We’re living the real life version of Black Mirror or the Twilight Zone. Now Matt Gaetz, ugh he’s a disgusting pedophile sexual predator creep. Is the My Pillow guy next? None of these idiots are qualified. I should never feel imposter syndrome again #Screaming #FeminineRage #NotOkay #WTF #BlueInARedState
Mighty Midgets – Raising Ruins for the Future
#5FeetUnder #Kollapse #Punk #StöjSnak #hardcore #melodichardcore #screaming #technical #Aalborg
CC BY-NC-ND (#CreativeCommons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives)
Looks like it is time for another epic gaming adventure. Join me while we enjoy The Outlast Trials.
If Grace is here, you will have a great time.
#outlast #TheOutlastTrials #pcgames #twitch #videogames #streamer #horrorgame #gaming #screaming #streaming
So, I’m working on a series of screaming animal stickers. I feel like extravagant screaming really suits the global zeitgeist of the 2020s, don’t you?
So, which animals would *you* like to see having a really soul-deep scream?
LivingEvil ist Live!
Weiter geht´s mit Livis Abenteuer in #Outlast und mit viel #screaming und #erschreckeritis.
Was sonst noch passiert? Mit der wundervollen Fürstin der Finsternis Jey ein paar Monster jagen!
Es wird's sicher #schaurig #chaotisch und mega #Lustig . Ob Livi das überlebt? Have Fun!
Nehmt Platz, macht es euch gemütlich.