How Cold War Spying From Space Connected the Galaxy to Utah

In Mossad Pager-Style Operation, Russian Drone-Control Goggles Explode, Blinding Soldiers
In Mossad Pager-Style Operation, Russian Drone-Control Goggles Explode, Blinding Soldiers
You do not need "The Cold War Spy Pocket Manual: The Official Field-Manuals for Espionage, Spycraft and Counter-Intelligence" by Philip Parker (Editor). Yet maybe you do.
The New Breed of CIA Spies: America’s Hidden Warriors. Inside "The Farm", CIA trains its modern recruits to become spymasters. #CIA #Espionage #Spycraft #NationalSecurity #Intelligence
Fnd out more here;
"Though real-life espionage may lack the explosive action of Hollywood spy plots, the skills CIA case officers employ are just as fascinating when we pull back the veil—and they’re also surprisingly useful in our careers and everyday lives."
Could your friendly neighbor be a Russian spy? Russian sleeper cells blend seamlessly into American communities, living undetected for years, quietly gathering intelligence and shaping opinions. Discover the hidden world of these covert operatives! Read 'Invisible Threats: Inside Russia’s Secret Network of Sleeper Cells in the U.S.':
#RussianSpies #SleeperCells #Espionage #HiddenThreats #SpyCraft
"Why Everything We Think We Know About Spies Is Wrong"
The mundane yet dangerous world of espionage during WW2.
#WW2 #Spycraft #SOE #OSS #espionage
#DaltonFischer Podcast
The Future of #Spycraft: #AI and #DeepFake #Technology with #JohnKiriakou
An hilarious but deeply disturbing look into #AI - not for the faint hearted! #Computer #Espionage #News
Elyse Graham reveals the hidden heroes of World War II in “Book and Dagger: How Scholars and Librarians Became the Unlikely Spies of World War II.”
At the onset of WW2, the Office of Strategic Services turned to academia, recruiting literature professors, librarians and historians to perform undercover operations and investigative work.
The 1973 film, “Day Of The Dolphin” had a similar plot.
#marine / #spycraft / #beluga <>
Russia, Iran, China seek to shape US election, intelligence officials say
How satellite wars will be fought — and won
Wars in space are no longer just science fiction. In fact, Space War I has been raging for more than two years, with no quick end in sight.
This isn't the kind of conflict that involves X-wing fighters or Space Marines. Instead, it's a battle over how satellites are being used to
#FictionScienceClub #Books #FictionScience #Military #Satellites #SpaceForce #Spycraft
'Carrying Secret Messages' from The Knowhow Book of Spycraft by Judy Hindley and Falcon Travis, illustrated by Colin King (1975) #1970s #Books #SpyCraft #UsborneBooks
James Bond's Grave in Kalsoy, Faroe Islands
This tombstone marks the spot where the legendary English spy met his end.#gravestones #espionage #film #filmlocations #movies #spycraft #jamesbond #section-Atlas
James Bond's Grave
The Sympathizer – The show from Park Chan-wook and Robert Downey Jr. gets a new trailer. Watch it here
NSA Buying Bulk #Surveillance Data on #Americans without a Warrant
It finally admitted to buying bulk data on Americans from data brokers in response to a query by Senator Weyden.
This is almost certainly illegal, although the #NSA maintains that it is legal until it’s told otherwise.
#cybersec #cybernews #cybersecurity #spying #snooping #spycraft