#AfricanFilmPoster #GhanaFilmPoster
In Ghana when posters can't be imported, local artists will bootleg them to the best of their abilities. Some often are more imaginative than the official studio releases.
#WalkerTexasRanger : War Zone (1995) (S3 Ep15)
Men dressed as clowns are robbing banks at gunpoint. During one heist, an ex-partner of Walker's is killed. Walker and Trivette are determined to find the ruthless group. Walker helps the dead ranger's children cope with their loss.
#remembering #barryjenner #actor #AdmiralRoss #startrek #Deepspacenine #somerset #anotherworld #KnotsLanding #dallas #barnabyjones #harttohart #falconcrest #vseries #walkertexasranger #FamilyMatters #KingOfTheHill #defendingsanta #thecaretaker #jag #thrillzone @startrek @startrekonpplus @hbomaxla @tcmla
Walker, Texas Ranger: Chuck Norris einigt sich im Rechtsstreit mit CBS #WalkerTexasRanger #ChuckNorris
#happybirthday #marcalaimo #actor #guldukat #startrek #deepspacenine #badarndd #tebok #fredericklarouque #gulmacet #thenextgeneration #totalrecall #thesixmilliondollarman #thebionicwoman #knightrider #wonderwoman #walkertexasranger #barnabyjones #quantumleap #tangoandcash #DiagnosisMurder #FamilyGuy #ds930 #startrek56 @trekcore