Are you looking for people to follow on Mastodon and the Fediverse?
Click below for a directory of hundreds of recommended follows organised into 56 topics:
(If a category has several pages of follows, click "show older" at the bottom to see the next page.)
This is just a tiny fraction of accounts on here, but hopefully it will give people's timelines a good start.
Please do share this with anyone you think might benefit, for example people new to the Fediverse.
@FediFollows how often do you update your list? Most of the profiles you have listed haven't been active in months
The directory is a compilation of all the posts I have ever made under these hashtags. You can see the datestamp on each post, so some of these would be from over a year ago.
Posts in each category are in chronological order, so the newer posts are at the top.
If there's a particular account you think I should remove, please let me know.