Search engines have become so bad that we might just reinvent thematic link pages and webrings.
I’m thiiiiiis close to dusting off the basic html skills I haven’t used for 12 years to make a super simple page linking to my favourite sewing and knitting pattern resources. Googling for patterns returns AI crap and Shein e-commerce all the time.
<title>Juliette's Sewing Page</title>
<body id=hellyeah>
<P>under construction </P>
@Pepijn needs a blink tag
Here you go:
<title>Juliette's Sewing Page</title>
<style>.blink182 { animation: blinker 1s linear infinite;} @keyframes blinker {50% { opacity: 0;}}</style>
<p>under <b>construction</b> </p>
<span class="blink182">This Machine Kills Fascists</span>
<p><i>copyright 1998-2025 Juliette </i></p>
@smveerman @Pepijn @juliette artisan, free range HTML
@venite @smveerman @Pepijn @juliette Gorgeous! And yes, I feel this so much, that's it's actually on my to do list for this year
@venite Ambachtelijk! De Dr. Oetker van de Haa-Thee-Em-El.
Met echte stukjes CSS :-)