Those recognising #autistim later in life, was there something that helped you realise?
I used to joke "I'm a bit autistic". My partner and I would note how I'm like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, but I didn't take this seriously until..
First we broke up and I looked in depth at that relationship, how hard it was and why. That got me ready..
Then I watched #TheAccountant, it's a thriller but includes autistic characters inc the lead.
Boom! I saw my traits.
@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic
For me the big thing that helped was when I began reading accounts and stories told by autistics themselves. That's when all the info I had learned before that became much more immediate and real. Those accounts made me understand that my way of thinking and my sensory experiences were much like theirs.
@IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic Thanks Iza. I've started doing that after realising!
Although, only five accounts in, I'm not finding that much relevant to me even though the accounts are very interesting. I'm reading #DifferentNotLess" by #TempleGrandin.
Can you suggest anything else, particularly with some reference to #DemandAvoidance?
Were there particular traits for you, and if you don't mind I'm curious why you think it took you a long time to realise?
@doggle @IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic
It sounds like you have similar traits to me, I'm a walking stereotype (not saying you are!) but I relate to Sheldon, The Accountant, etc.
I'm really pleased for you that you've found your Autistic Identity. Keep researching and it will all fall into place x
@autisticbookclub @IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic Thanks. One of the difficulties, and maybe why it took me so long to take this seriously is that the spectrum is broad and every autistic is different, often quite different in significant ways from me.
A friend I told said, yes we say you're like Sheldon with feelings. Of course Sheldon has feelings. And I'm not that like The Accountant, but thought, I really need to look at this.
Then I read about #DemandAvoidance and it fell into place.
@doggle @autisticbookclub @IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic #DemandAvoidance is such a painful but also super useful realization... I think it's the only part of my autism that tends to actively create trouble for me... the bane of my existence... but also still a significant part of my identity. I still rather have a society where we don't impose things on each other.
@lapingvino @doggle @IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic #DemandAvoidance is interesting and you'll find very different opinions on this from the Autistic Community.
I agree with the the line of thought that says there isn't a #PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance or Persistent Demand for Autonomy) subset of Autism, but that all Autistics have Demand Avoidance to differing degrees.
I think it is our overriding desire for Autonomy, which isn't pathological at all, but it does make life difficult.
@autisticbookclub @doggle @IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic Thanks for that perspective! Yeah, PDA has been a UK specific term that can but doesn't have to be associated with autism, and it probably got the ball rolling for recognizing this part in many autistic people. I think many different NT perspectives work like that to get us further on figuring ourselves out. Some people complain about something they are annoyed about, give it a name and we get to work and reframe it into how it actually works for us, get a more correct explanation...
@lapingvino @autisticbookclub @doggle @IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic
I had to look upthread as 'PDA' has always meant 'Public Display of Affection' to me.
@LunaDragofelis I had one of those, they were a lot of fun.
@LunaDragofelis @actuallyautistic @doggle @autisticbookclub @lapingvino @IzabelaKaramia
Yes, that too!
I had a Palm Pilot, then a Handspring, then a Palm Pre. Only the final one made phone calls.
@autisticbookclub @lapingvino @IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic
I first heard of Pathological #DemandAvoidance and then someone said they preferred Persistent Demand for Autonomy.
I understand the aversion to 'pathological' but for me the issue is demand avoidance. I do demand autonomy too, but my avoidance is of demands.
That's what was so recognisable to me when I first heard the term and read about how it affected others. I immediately saw myself. #ActuallyAutistic
@doggle Same. It was such a relief just having a name for it.
@autisticbookclub @lapingvino @IzabelaKaramia @actuallyautistic