Here is a DOGE mailing list. Thanks to all who forwarded this to us.
I'd sure hate to hear that this was being used for nefarious purposes.
@jaykass what is that!
@jaykass oh Freedom of information act requests I think I geddit.
@CheapPontoon @VE2UWY @2600
Yeah. I'm experiencing that at a state level with an equivalent law, right now.
And that everyone has a professional name, except for him.
@shaknais @EricTheRedFL @2600 "erm" is different but just the same professional as "rms"
bit yes I immediately noticed the different schema and different subdomain of mail. The latter might not be that irregular in other organizations with large deparments overseen by people from other departments
The year of his birth, though, isn't. He's used "erm71" as a gamer tag in the past.
@2600 those kids would be upset if they could read.
@2600 Most of those names are the whitest names ever. Big surprise.
@2600 If you press and hold your finger on an email address it will open a new email for you automatically. Cool to know.
@2600 I’mma email daddy Elon for a new Tesla
@2600 Will these awful people buy my music on Bandcamp, seeing as today it's Bandcamp Friday?
There's only one way to find out... To the emails!
@2600 Let's ask them what they did last week
@2600 these are just the employees who suffer the most under musk, right?
or is this is cabal of tweens who run around and cut cables for him?
The average gov employee surely does not deserve hate, spam or other nuisances
@2600 Shame on all of them!
@2600 email? Tell us where they live!!
@2600 Disappointed that Coristine didn't go with ""
@2600 I just really hope somebody doesn't send an email to the entire list spoofing Elon's email address.