A Word of Advice if you
intend on using/trying Microsoft's newly announced Recall feature :
Be *extremely* careful with the data of others.
Recording your own data is one thing, but if you continuously use a feature that will record others on video conferences, chat conversations, and emails, without explicit consent, you could get in a lot of trouble.
Not only this can be extremely unethical (to say the least), but it could also expose you to serious legal consequences.
1. Be careful: The use of this feature might not even be legal in some locations/situations/circumstances. If you use it, you should verify this first.
2. Consent should always be free, explicit, and revocable.
3. Once you collect the data of others, you become its guardian. You have a responsibility to secure it properly, for as long as you keep it. This is a heavy burden.
4. The easiest and safest course of action is to simply not collect this data in the first place.
In that sense, I highly recommend NOT using features such as Microsoft's Recall.
This is a data privacy disaster waiting to happen. For others, and for yourself.
@Em0nM4stodon my work is under a govt consent decree to guard privacy very very strictly.
This feature would cause every storage device to be crushed immediately.
I'm really not sure how it will be addressed.
@ATLeagle I imagine it won't be on by default for people/organizations who don't want it.