This Week's #Gallup #Poll Shows Why #Dems Shouldn't #Fear #AntiTrans #Ads.
#Voters #rank #transgender #issues as the #least #important to their #vote among a list of 22 issues. Of those who consider it as #veryimportant, most are #Democratic #voters.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #DemocraticParty #Allies #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #RepublicanParty #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews #Megathread
#Democratic #Presidential #Nominee #KamalaHarris defends “#fundamental #freedoms” for #gay #Americans in #sitdown with #HowardStern.
Following the interview, #DonaldTrump lashed out at the one-time #shockJock, in an expression of #ToxicMasculinity calling him a "#BETAMALE".
#Democratic #Presidential #Nominee #KamalaHarris uses #townhall to show #empathy with #Latino #voters.
She made the #case that her #opponent does not care about the problems of the #middleclass.
Lets also not forget the whole #massdeportation thing, which in the #farright's eyes will also include those who are here #legally.
#Democratic #Presidential #Nominee #KamalaHarris was asked to name a few of #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump’s #virtues.
#WannabeDictator #DonaldTrump has absolutely no #virtues as a #person, as a #businessman, and as a #Republican #Candidate. He is a #racist and #whitesupremacist.
— The media should be ashamed for even asking.
#Democratic #Presidential #Nominee #KamalaHarris’s #Taste in #Beer Is #TurningHeads.
Whether it was a #shrewd bit of #political #calculus or a #genuine #expression of #personal #preference, #VicePresident Harris’s choice of beer has clearly captured the #attention of the #news #media.
#FormerPresident #BarackObama, in #blunt #terms, tells #Black #men to #getover their #reluctance to #support the #Democratic #Nominee, #KamalaHarris.
Be a #man, #vote for a #woman!
[Video] #FormerPresident #BarackObama #jokes with #Pittsburgh #crowd after asking if they think #Trump has ever changed a #diaper.
“I shouldn’t say it,” Obama said, clearly alluding to rumors about Trump’s use of #Depends-style #undergarments, which had earned him the #nickname #DiaperDon.
What Does #Fascism Look Like? A Brief #Introduction.
During a #FoxNews #townhall in December 2023, #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump made a notable comment when asked if he would be a #dictator if reelected. His response was, "No, no, no... other than #DayOne,"
#Republican #Candidates Have #Spent More Than $65 Million on #AntiTrans #AttackAds Since August.
#Hatemongering #Campaign #ads have aired in more than a dozen states have focused on anti-trans messaging. The Trump campaign alone has spent more than $15 million on the #ads since August.
#Republicans Are Pouring Millions Into #AntiTrans #AttackAds In #Election’s Final Stretch.
One analysis shows #Trump and #Republican #PACs have spent more than $65 million on #ads #targeting #trans #people's #access to #sports and #healthcare.
#NorthCarolina , other #swingstates #bombarded with #hatemongering #Trump #attackads
The commercials are spreading #disinformation about #VicePresident #KamalaHarris position on #gendertransitionsurgeries for prisoners and illegal immigrants
[FactCheck] #Republican #SenateLeadershipFund commercials #attacks #US #Senator #SherrodBrown claiming she #voted to “allow #transgender biological men to compete in #girls’ #sports.”
The #speaker in the #ad has been identified as #ScottFishel a member of a #farright #schoolboard in #Riverside, #Ohio.
#AntiTrans #Laws like #Ohio’s #trans #healthcare #ban linked to #rise in #youth #suicide #attempts, #study warns.
#Republican #State #laws #targeting #transgender #people's #access to #genderaffirmingcare, have caused up to a 72% increase in #suicideattempts among #trans and #nonbinary #youth, a new #study shows.
[FactCheck] #Farright #Antitrans #Propaganda falsely claimed #HurricaneMilton was #renamed to '#HurricaneMillicent' for #TransgenderAwarenessMonth
The #content of these #socialmedia #posts have been rated as #false. The above post raised the factcheckers #suspicions because the two #screenshots were not accompanied by #links to any #articles from the #websites.
I’m Running Out of Ways to Explain How #Bad This Is
What’s happening in #America today is something #darker than a #MisinformationCrisis. The truth is, it’s getting harder to describe the extent to which a meaningful percentage of #Americans fed a diet of #farright #faux #news have #dissociated from #reality.
#GOP #senator #JohnKennedy (R - #Louisiana) #ruthlessly #mocked for saying #hurricane #victims don’t need #tampons.
“I think he means that #menstruation stops if the #President #declares a #natural #disaster,” one #commenter #joked.
#Trump eyes a #ridiculous #plan to #overhaul #US #military #leadership.
The #question isn’t whether Donald #Trump intends to #fire #US #military #leaders in a possible second term. It’s #how.
— Of course He would want to ensure that #politically reliable cronies are in charge of our military as he enacts his plan to become a dictator.
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump has kept in touch with more #foreign #leaders than #VladimirPutin since leaving office.
Trump reveled in communicating with #foreignleaders when he was #president and hasn't stopped doing so since he lost his 2020 #reelection #bid.
— These communications should be investigated for #LoganAct #Violations
Watch: #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump Completely Loses Train of Thought in Awkward #Detroit #Speech.
The #Senile Republican Candidate #rambled about “#beautiful” #circles and #defined “#groceries” during a #speech at the #DetroitEconomicClub.
#Trump #insults #Detroit while #campaigning in the #city.
Trump claimed the whole #country would end up like the #city if his #Democratic #opponent, #VicePresident #KamalaHarris, is #elected.
“The whole country will be like — you want to know the truth? It’ll be like #Detroit,” the senile #Republican #presidentialnominee said. “Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if she’s your #president.”
#UAW #Chief #Slams #Trump as “#JobKillerInChief” Ahead of his #Michigan #Visit
"#KamalaHarris has #stood with #labor," said #ShawnFain. "She's #walkedthewalk. #DonaldTrump #serves only #himself. He's always served himself."
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump seizes on one #block of a #Colorado #city to #warn of #migrant #crime #threat, even as the #crimerate #dips
Trump seeks to highlight the city of #Aurora #Colorado as a #Warzone
— A protestor's sign says it all, “Migrants are welcome here!! Racists and Slumlords are not!!”
#Trump Is #Coming for #Birthright #Citizenship.
The #Republican #presidential #nominee wants to wipe away the 156-year-old #Constitutional #guarantee that if you’re #born here, you’re #American. Don’t think he can’t.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
New #reporting makes the #Trump-#branded #Bibles #Grift look even more #absurd.
The “God Bless the U.S.A. Bible” are being printed in #China.
— When #Trump #falsely #accused President #JoeBiden of being #compromised by China you have to remember rule 1. Every #Republican #Accusation is an #admission of their own #guilt.
'I Just #ThrewUp' a bit
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump #Slammed After #Bragging About His '#Beautiful #Body' at #Pennsylvania #Rally.
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump #Fights To Keep Rest Of #JackSmith #Filing #Hidden After #Bombshell #Evidence #Released
#Trump’s #attorneys made a factless and unsubstantiated #argument in the brief the #appendix should be #hidden entirely and nothing should be released.
#Trump urges #judge in 2020 #election #case not to allow #release of more #evidence, claiming #electioninterference.
The judge wrote in her #brief #order that #prosecutors' #proposed #redactions are "#appropriate," but #Trump's "#blanket #objections to further #unsealing are #withoutmerit."
#Judge gives #Trump 7 days to #appeal her #ruling #releasing #evidence in #specialcounsel’s #January6th #Insurrection #probe
Trump will file his #response to #JackSmith’s arguments against him being #granted #immunity on November 7.
#Georgia #Election #Workers Score #Massive #Win Against #MAGA #Website
#RubyFreeman and #ShayeMoss have just forced #farright #conspiracy #website #TheGatewayPundit to #settle over its 2020 #election #lies.
This is the #sickest #stuff I have ever seen. No, seriously. This is worse than everyday #MAGA.
I do not know who this #psychopathic #sonofabitch is, but he is going to #Hell for the #creation of his #political #ads.
#Arkansas #Republican says #LGBTQ+ #community is ‘of the #devil’ in #viral #video
#JasonRapert, a #State #LibraryBoard #member later enthusiastically #embraced the #comments made in a recent #sermon.
#Nebraska #Senate May Be the #Race No One Saw Coming.
The last time #Nebraskans #voted for a #Senator who wasn’t a #Republican, #GeorgeWBush was an #unpopular #President leading a deeply #divisive #GOP.
Yet another #antiLGBTQ+ #extremist is #running for #senate as a #Republican in #Nevada. We can’t let him win.
It’s more important than ever that #Nevadans have a #US #Senator who will #fight for #everyone, not one who #refuses to support #protections for #LGBTQ+ #Nevadans.
#KariLake’s #Abortion #Answer Is the 2024 #Election in a Kari Lake Shaped #Nutshell.
The #farright #Senate #candidate and #SerialLiar tried to pivot away from a #losing #issue in extremely clunky fashion. When put on the #defensive she #predictably turned to #transphobia.
#LaraTrump’s #explanation for why she #ignores #polls is #ruthlessly #mocked #online.
The #NewYorkTimes and #SienaCollege conducted the #poll. When asked which #candidate “represents #change”, 46% said Harris while 44% said Trump.
@Susan_Larson_TN That… wut… like? *headtilt*
@Susan_Larson_TN Is it Detroit's turn to be the demon city? I guess the "organized retail theft in San Francisco" narrative is running out of gas finally. I remember Chicago being the demon city, esp. during the Obama years, and of course Portland during CHAZ, CHOP, etc. Maybe having a SF nominee is a stroke of genius, the right having already played the SF-bashing card.
@Susan_Larson_TN I don't understand how a person can be that old and that ignorant about basic human bodily functions. I mean, I've never menstruated, but I've talked with people who have. It isn't that complicated.