Here's a free Sifillis Stories placemat you can print out! More stuff at
Here's a free Sifillis Stories placemat you can print out! More stuff at
Was ein bisschen Druck bewirken kann. Nachdem @stillnotlovin und Julia Hartl die Ratshaustoiletten schon zweimal aus eigener Tasche mit Hygieneartikeln versorgt haben, hat die Stadtverwaltung #Dresden nun doch einen Gang zugelegt und den #Staddrat - Beschluss von 2021 endlich umgesetzt - zumindest zum Teil.
Heute haben wir in der Fußgängerzone von #Dresden erneut das Blümchen-Gehabe zum #Frauentag auf die Schippe genommen. In unseren Geschenken steckten #Tampons und #Binden, garniert mit unangenehmen Wahrheiten zum Thema #Menstruation.
Über 200 dieser Notfall-Sets haben @stillnotlovin, @tabs, @ueckueck und ich verteilt. Warum, wieso, weshalb, erfahrt ihr auf unserer Homepage:
Mark #Zuckerberg removed #tampons from men's restrooms. #Meta employees put them back. - "This decision wasn’t about cost-cutting or efficiency — it took effort, served no practical purpose, and sent a clear message about the company’s shifting priorities." what coward this man is
#MarkZuckerberg #orders #Meta #offices to remove #tampons from #mens #bathrooms
Once available for #trans and #nonbinary #employees who used the #mensbathroom, the #tampons have been #scrapped as part of #MarkZuckerberg’s #antiLGBTQ+ #policy spree, which appears to be in response to #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump’s #election #victory.
Ook kinderboerderij De Plantage in #Alblasserdam is deze week een #MenstruatieProductenUitgiftepunt (#MUP) geworden. Meisjes en vrouwen kunnen in de wc en vanuit een buurtkastje gratis #Maandverband of #Tampons meenemen.
Met onze herbruikbare #MenstruatieCups kun je ook geld besparen op jouw #Menstruatie. Voor vragen neem gerust contact met ons op.
GGD regio Utrecht (GGDrU) probeer actief het #MenstruatieTaboe op #MenstruatieArmoede te doorbreken. Daarom biedt de gezondheidsdienst vanaf nu gratis #Tampons en #Maandverband aan op de Utrechtseweg 3 in Amersfoort. Het #MenstruatieProducten Uitgifte Punten (#MUP) is bedoeld ,,voor iedereen die daar door allerlei redenen geen toegang tot heeft, bijvoorbeeld door geldzorgen’’, aldus GGDrU.
Liever een #MenstruatieCup? Neem dan contact met ons op.
ok i love them but #instacart is being a pain in the ass.
they obstruct the lower right corner on the boxes of #tampons because i didn't know that purple meant "this one" yet.
next time i will remember but a dumb thing to hide. then again it's probably on purpose because like 30 listings in there are all #sponsored so the more i tap on these, the more tampax gotta pay, right? #advertising
a dark pattern that inconveniences menstruating #women AND generates more revenue. don't expect fixes
Ich bin ...
ich hab keine Worte.
"Fehlende Studien zur Metallaufnahme über Vaginalschleimhaut"
Was ich für den wichtigsten Punkt halte.
Ich hoffe, dass dies bald geklärt wird.
Im Sommer 2024 ist nach langer Arbeit das Pilotprojekt „Menstruationsproduktspender“ – auch bekannt als „Tampomaten“ – angelaufen!
Weiter geht´s in den Kommentaren
#menstruation #periode #tampons #binden #studis #unitübingen #fachschaften #pilotprojekt #akgleichstellung #vstübingen #finanzierung #genderfreundlich #barrierefrei #tampomat #menstruationsproduktspender
#GOP #senator #JohnKennedy (R - #Louisiana) #ruthlessly #mocked for saying #hurricane #victims don’t need #tampons.
“I think he means that #menstruation stops if the #President #declares a #natural #disaster,” one #commenter #joked.
Why the #VicePresident #Debate Is Primed To Be #Messy.
The evening stands to be a high-stakes distillation of the #Hateful Republican #Culturewars largely defining this #national #Political #contest, with nasty #digs referencing “#childlesscatladies,” #tampons in boys’ #bathrooms, and pet-hunting #Haitians flying across the stage from the start.
— I hope they take time to ask Vance about his penchant for wearing #eyeliner.
Female Tourist Gets Interrogated by Border Control Guards About Her Tampon - Newsweek
Democrat school gun safety plan; tampons
#democrats #Election2024 #GunSafety #MadeUpNews #politics #satire #tampons #UnreliableFacts
When Walz passed a law in Minnesota to provide tampons the locations were left to the discretion of schools. Now a policy revision will consider having them available in all rooms as a precaution in case of a gun attack.
Study finds heavy metals in tampons:
Tests on 30 products purchased in #NewYork, #Athens, and #London have found some contained dangerous levels of arsenic, chromium, and even lead.
16 metals were tested and all were detected in at least one #tampon.
Several metals were detected in all samples, including #arsenic, #cadmium, #chromium, #lead, and #vanadium.
#Organic #tampons had higher levels of arsenic, but non-organic tampons had higher levels of lead.
Writing in the journal, Environment International, researchers said: 'There is no safe exposure level to lead. “Any proportion of lead that may leach out of a tampon and reach systemic circulation might contribute to negative health outcomes.”
TOTM are probably one of the best options if you're in the UK (see and check out some of the other 'Best Buys' recommended by Ethical Consumer Magazine:
Tampons laced with arsenic? A shocking new study has found lead and arsenic in multiple tampon brands. Take action now >>
#petition #tampons
Mehrwertsteuersenkung für Tampons und Binden laut Studie verpufft
Die Mehrwertsteuer auf Binden und Tampons wurde 2020 reduziert, um Frauen finanziell zu entlasten. Eine Studie moniert jetzt gleichzeitige Preiserhöhungen bei Slipeinlagen - diese waren von der Maßnahme ausgenommen.
the irony of “Tampon Tim”? #tampons and maxi pads are the unspoken recommended items to have in military grade, first aid kit for hunters.
not only do tampons make great kindle starters but they, as menstrual pads, are good at staunching gun shot wounds in the event of a friendly-fire accident.
and i have been told it's the all cotton tampons they prefer. all cotton pads are helpful but because they're used externally, don't have to go all-cotton for those.
"[Jill] Burcum, who is on the newspaper’s editorial board, suggested that Kelly do a 'thing called journalism' before commenting and gifted a link to an article from the board that called out the former Fox News host, among others, with a
'reality check on the Tampon Tim meme.'”
~ David Gilmour
Minneapolis Star-Tribune does a "reality check" on the Tampon Tim meme that toxic right-wingers like Megyn Kelly are using to attack Tim Walz and finds:
"Critics contend, wrongly, that it mandates menstrual products in boys’ bathrooms. This has unfortunately been used to stoke ongoing culture wars over transgender individuals."