Would anyone be interested in participating in a sort of retro gaming "book club" style group? Basically, picking a console era, voting on a game, then playing through it together and discussing it? (Emulation is fine, we don't all have real hardware)
It seems like a fun idea. I want to call it "The Retro Retreat."
Wide open to ideas to bring it from conception to reality.
@Jojonintendo @thanius @nausahaver @lyonsinbeta @baltmatrix @TeamLinux01 @chris @Btph @gsquirrel @CleanDesign @tylnesh @jsstaedtler
Retro Game Club: ASSEMBLE!
The first thing to figure out is where to chat while we get set up and organized.
Let's make this a group decision, OK? Cast your vote:
LOL I'm pretty sure people are voting in this poll who aren't interested in the retro game club. But if there ARE 100+ people interested, that's pretty fantastic.
#Matrix was the clear winner!
I just bought the domain retroretreat.club, and this weekend I'll set us up a proper Matrix homeserver
@killyourfm It's super nice for sharing media and files. Element is a solid client.
@imnotafeline I did enjoy Element during my time at Mozilla, and I know Matrix has improved a lot since then, so I'm looking forward to it!