#WritersCoffeeClub JUL-17 POV> Do we experience your WIP through a particular POV, or does the focus move? Whose POV do you mainly use?
I usually do third person, but of #ForYou I recently tried first person to make it more intimate. From experience, it's usually beginners and professional writers who do first person while intermediate writers tend to use third person because first didn't work as a beginner and only will when being a professional writer.
So, that's probably why I feel most at home with third person.
With my current WIP, however, I tried a slightly differrent approach: Still third person but the perspective switching between three main characters very close to each other, both to explain things better at times and keep things shrouded in mystery a little longer at others.
And I could start a chapter with "He" without anyone knowing who this refers to. But don’t worry: There are other pronouns, too.