It’s crazy there haven’t been really great James Bond spy video games.
I worked on this teaser at Rhythm and Hues before there was any real game to even understand. We were winging it off of the most basic of info and concept art for a E3 presentation. There were some actual good ideas as a spinoff, but that teaser was the last I had heard of it for the longest time.
* rages in 64-bits
@mrcopilot I'm afraid to watch this. (But I'm totally going to watch this)
@virtualbri Hitman 3 is the best we got for actual spy stuff
@mattgriffin Yeah, I'm going to have to get around to that one.
@virtualbri it's AMAZING. then you realize it's also a slapstick comedy murder game and it becomes even more...
@virtualbri Sid Meier took a crack at one, way back when. He's held it up in interviews as an example of a design that he felt didn't really come together, but I enjoyed it a lot.
@jalefkowit woah, Sid Meier? That’s one I did NOT know about.
@virtualbri With Bruce Shelley! A real product of MicroProse's "murderer's row" era.
Jimmy Maher did a good write-up of "Covert Action" (and Meier's self-criticism of it) in his Digital Antiquarian blog a few years ago.
@jalefkowit Definitely going to read this; love a post mortem on a project. There’s always something to learn afterwards.
@virtualbri Another flawed-but-interesting attempt is Activision's "Spycraft: The Great Game," from 1996. It's from the mid-'90s CD-ROM era, so it's FMV-heavy. But there's some intriguing ideas in it, and it tells one relatively solid story instead of telling a zillion procedurally generated ones like "Covert Action" did.
@jalefkowit Dang, these are amazing write-ups and story analysis. Thank you for introducing me to such a cool website.
@virtualbri No problem! It’s so good, and he’s been at it for so long. It’s the kind of little gem you don’t find on the web so much anymore.