It’s crazy there haven’t been really great James Bond spy video games.
@virtualbri Sid Meier took a crack at one, way back when. He's held it up in interviews as an example of a design that he felt didn't really come together, but I enjoyed it a lot.
@jalefkowit woah, Sid Meier? That’s one I did NOT know about.
@virtualbri With Bruce Shelley! A real product of MicroProse's "murderer's row" era.
Jimmy Maher did a good write-up of "Covert Action" (and Meier's self-criticism of it) in his Digital Antiquarian blog a few years ago.
@jalefkowit Definitely going to read this; love a post mortem on a project. There’s always something to learn afterwards.
@virtualbri Another flawed-but-interesting attempt is Activision's "Spycraft: The Great Game," from 1996. It's from the mid-'90s CD-ROM era, so it's FMV-heavy. But there's some intriguing ideas in it, and it tells one relatively solid story instead of telling a zillion procedurally generated ones like "Covert Action" did.
@jalefkowit Dang, these are amazing write-ups and story analysis. Thank you for introducing me to such a cool website.
@virtualbri No problem! It’s so good, and he’s been at it for so long. It’s the kind of little gem you don’t find on the web so much anymore.