Aaand #Gorsuch can fck all the way off!
"Justice neil gorsuch had a plain message when asked about President Biden’s new #SupremeCourt reform proposal: “Be careful.”
His rare interview (on Fox) came days before the release of his new book, “Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law,” which Gorsuch co-wrote with one of his former clerks.
In the book, Gorsuch details what he sees as the downsides of overregulation and an explosion of laws."
#FixTheCourt #scotus
So a #President can deem campaigning for reelection as an official act ?
#immunity ImperialistPresident #SupremeCourt #immuniity
The #IllegitimateSCOTUS #TrumpCourt has now built the escape hatch for the #trumpCriminalCartel .
No doubt that the #SCOTUSIsCorrupt and fixed this decision to give #DonaldTrump outs throughout the 2 remaining indictments. So we now must tolerate #Presidential domestic imperialism above the law.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas received millions in gifts over 20 years, group says
by Dan Morrison
June 7, 2024
"#SupremeCourt #JusticeClarenceThomas has accepted more than $2 million in gifts over the last 20 years, according to a new analysis, far eclipsing the value of those received by his fellow justices.
"A report released Thursday by the advocacy group #FixTheCourt said the value of 93 gifts to all of Thomas’ fellow justices between 2004 and 2023 were totaled $248,000, while Thomas alone received 103 gifts worth $2.4 million.
"In addition to that haul, Fix the Court flagged another 101 'likely gifts' to Thomas worth nearly $1.8 million stemming from free luxury travel and lodging he received from #billionaire #HarlanCrow and others."
#ScotusIsCorrupt #SCROTUS
#SCOTUS #ImpeachClarenceThomas
#ScrotusSunday #ErikPrince
The decision is all but certain to prompt challenges to the actions of an array of federal agencies, including those regulating the environment, health care and consumer safety.
The #supremeCourt vote was 6 to 3, along ideological lines.
“Chevron is overruled,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote for the majority. “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”
Justice Sotomayor said it clearly: The MAGA justices are on a relentless "power grab" — rewriting the rules for their billionaire benefactors & leaving us to pay the price.
Congress: It's time Congress give #PowerBackToThePeople — fix the Court.
#SCOTUS #FixTheCourt
#Data on more than 500 gifts accepted by the Supreme Court’s justices since 2000, with an estimated total value of $4.76 million, published by #FixTheCourt. H/t the amazing "Data are plural" newsletter.
#leonardLeo got a massive $1.6B gift from Barre Seid to fund his agenda through a group called the Marble Freedom Trust, which counts Leo as a trustee & chairman. It's transferred tens of millions to the Concord Fund, which has also paid millions to Leo’s for-profit business.
In 1 year, the Concord Fund, aka the Judicial Crisis Network, received $53M. That same year, Marble Freedom Trust reported giving $55M to the Concord Fund. #federalistSociety #fedSoc #FixTheCourt
via #FixTheCourt
#SCOTUS Justice #ClarenceThomas racked up $4,189,994 in gifts.
Other justices $248k.
#law #FinancialDisclosures #SCOTUSstench #ethics #judiciary #JudicialEthics #bribes #bribery #IdeologicalPayOff
A Staggering Tally: #SupremeCourt Justices Accepted Hundreds of Gifts Worth Millions of Dollars
“Ahead of tomorrow’s expected release of the justices’ financial disclosure reports, Fix the Court today is unveiling a list of the gifts the justices have received over the years, and the numbers are staggering: in the last two decades, the justices have accepted 344 gifts valued at $2,993,036.
If one includes another 101 gifts that Justice Thomas likely received over those 20 years…that number jumps to 445 gifts valued at $4,780,720.
#ClarenceThomas #SamuelAlito #FixtheCourt
Gifts accepted by Supreme Court Justices
A Supreme Court watchdog organization has prepared a summary of gifts accepted by #SupremeCourt justices. See Fix the Court, A Staggering Tally: Supreme Court Justices Accepted Hundreds of Gifts Worth Millions of Dollars.
Per the analysis prepared by Fix the Court, Justice Thomas has received gifts valued at more than $4 million during his tenure on the Court. See chart below, prepared by #FixTheCourt
#ClarenceThomas #SamuelAlito
The #GOP... the same people rallying around a #ConvictedFelon to be their Party nominee who quotes #Hitler and promised to be #DictatorOnDayOne just b/c he slanted the #SCotUS to its current mess... would go "scorched Earth" to protect it.
There's a better way: #ThinkOutsideTheBox #FixTheCourt
'As he attempts a return to the White House, Trump has made his own nominees to the #supremeCourt a selling point, and promised additional conservative selections if he were to win.
“Many presidents never get the opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court justice. I had three. They are gold,” he said at a 2023 speech at the Moms for Liberty summit. “Maybe we’ll get three or four more. Can you imagine?”'
CAN YOU?!?! #FixTheCourt
'Justice #Sotomayor, the most senior liberal on the 'conservative' #SupremeCourt, told a Harvard audience Friday that she sometimes cries after the court hands down its decisions– and she suggested there may be more tears ahead...' #understatement
“There are days that I’ve come to my office after an announcement of a case and closed my door and cried...There have been those days. AND THERE ARE LIKELY TO BE MORE.” #SCOTUS #FixTheCourt
The US Supreme Court can be reformed without a constitutional amendment. As the conclusion of this statement from Fix the Court's Gabe Roth suggests, a squeeze on funding might persuade the justices to adopt an enforceable code of ethics.
Look elsewhere on the Fix The Court site for other reform measures that stand some chance of realization.
Statement on the Latest SCOTUS Ethics Scandal | Fix the Court
He has led calls on the court for reversal of a unanimous 1984 #SupremeCourt decision that gives federal agencies considerable regulatory latitude and that, 'coincidentally' traces to his mother’s tenure. The court will hear a pair of cases on Wednesday testing that 40-year-old case known as #Chevron USA, Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which has become the touchstone for resolving conflicts over agency power. (3/3) #environment #FixTheCourt
maybe if we ignore it, it will just go away
Roberts sidesteps Supreme Court’s ethics controversies in yearly report
“The court’s reputation remains marred by ethics controversies involving lavish travel and gifts, and public approval ratings remain low following high court rulings to overturn long-standing precedent.
But Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. did not address any of those contemporary issues Sunday in his annual “Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary.”
#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #ClarenceThomas #Alito #billionaires #ethics #FixTheCourt
The #supremeCourt grants of certiorari before judgment:
1988 to 2004: 3 times
2005-2018: 0 times
2019 through 2022: 19 TIMES!!!
The fact that they didn't bother to give *any* kind of explanation for denying it in one of the most vital AND TIME-SENSITIVE cases to ever come before the court only speaks to their general belief that we plebes don't deserve ANY visibility into their machinations (because you can't have accountability without visibility). #FixTheCourt
This new RW #activist 6-3 #SCotUS isn't even supporting its OWN rulings from just 4 years ago, refusing to hear a case that is a clear violation of a decision they made in 2019: #FixTheCourt