#USArmy #Confirms #TroyNehls Is #Ineligible for the #Combat #Badge He Proudly #Wears: #StolenValor
He told his #critics to “go ask the #Army” about his #CombatInfantrymanBadge. So we did — and it wasn’t good news for Nehls.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Texas #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #StolenHonor #StolenValor #RepublicanParty #ThePartyOfHate
#KariLake in #campaign pushes '#greatreplacement' #ConspiracyTheory' favored by #WhiteNationalists
#CongressionalResearchService made clear in a 2022 report that #undocumented #immigrants and other #migrants are #ineligible for #Medicaid, #SocialSecurity, #disabilitybenefits, and #SNAP
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #ConspiracyThoeries #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Xenophobia #ThePartyOfHate
#BrianPritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in #Pennsylvania to 3 years’ probation for #felony check #forgery charges. His #probation was REVOKED THREE TIMES — once in 1999, after he moved to #Georgia, & again in 2002 & 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new 7-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him #ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state #law prohibits #felons from voting.
#BerkeleyLaw Dean, a long time #Constitutional scholar, and #FreeSpeech advocate has joined a #SCOTUS brief saying #DJT is #Ineligible to be #President and should be excluded from #ballot over role in #January6th #insurrection
#Chemerinsky doubts though that conservative justices appointed by Trump will follow
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment that provides: “No person shall ... hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath...shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell analyzes new filings to the #SupremeCourt as it prepares to hear oral arguments in Donald Trump's challenge of a ruling by the #ColoradoSupremeCourt that found he was #ineligible for the state's primary #ballot after violating Section 3 of the #14thAmendment.
Link to PDF is above. Excellent read - highly recommended.
#Maine's top #election #official #rules #Trump #ineligible for 2024 #primary #ballot.
The decision by Maine's #Democratic #SecretaryOfState is likely to fuel similar efforts in other states after #Colorado's top #court #disqualified #Trump from its #ballot.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Maine #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate
Colorado Court’s Ruling Banning Trump From Ballot Is Sharp as Hell (Elie Mystal)
For true textualists, the text of Section 3 couldn’t be more clear.
Supreme Court conservatives will have to tie themselves into a knot to overturn the decision.
A #Michiganjudge ruled former President #Trump can remain on the state’s 2024 presidential #primaryballot, rejecting an attempt to remove him with a Civil War-era constitutional clause.
Michigan Court of Claims #JudgeJamesRedford rejected arguments that Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot on the U.S. Capitol meant he was #ineligible for the #presidency.
Torchinsky, a longtime GOP election lawyer who has also represented the #RNC, is researching the issue not for Trump’s rivals but for #JacobHarriman, the founder of a #nonpartisan service org called #MorePerfectUnion, Harriman said in a statement to The Washington Post.
“It is critical to understand if there is a legitimate #risk of nominating a #candidate who could be deemed to be #ineligible for office,” Harriman said. Torchinsky declined to comment.
#Trump has filed for removal... (wait for it)
in the #14thAmendment challenge by voters in that state.
Trump is being repped by former Colorado secetary of state Scott Gessler. And the case has been assigned to George W. Bush-appointed Judge Philip Brimmer.
#Constitution #Law #Disqualified #ineligible #insurrection #Jan6
Here's another #Republican who is calling for the use of political #violence if he doesn't get his way. Rep. #MattGaetz, a regular #rightwing rabble rouser, is calling for right vs. left physical violence if it is determined that #Trump is #ineligible to run for #president under the #14thAmendment.
#JenaGriswold, the #Colorado secy of state, said in a statement, “I look forward to the #Colorado #court’s substantive resolution of the issues, & am hopeful that this case will provide guidance to #election officials on Trump’s eligibility as a candidate for office.”
The #plaintiffs are #Republican & #unaffiliated voters who argue that #Trump is #ineligible & that they will be #harmed if he appears on primary #ballots.
The theory that the #14thAmendment disqualifies #Trump has gained traction… since 2 prominent #conservative #law profs argued in an (Atlantic) article last month that his actions before & during the #Jan6, 2021, attack on the Capitol constituted engagement in an #insurrection. But it remains a #legal long shot. Trump would surely #appeal any #ruling that he was #ineligible, and a final decision could rest w/ #SCOTUS, which has a conservative #supermajority that includes 3 justices he appointed.…
Six #Colorado voters filed a #lawsuit on Wednesday seeking to keep #Trump off the state’s #ballots under the #14thAmendment, which says anyone who “engaged in #insurrection or rebellion” against the #Constitution after taking an #oath to defend it is #ineligible to hold office.
Two prominent #conservative #law professors have concluded that #Trump is #ineligible to be #president under a provision of the #Constitution that bars people who have engaged in an #insurrection from holding government office. The professors are active members of the #FederalistSociety, the conservative #legal group, & proponents of #originalism, the method of interpretation that seeks to determine the Constitution’s original meaning.
#Conservative Case Emerges to #DisqualifyTrump for Role on #Jan6
Two law professors active in the #FederalistSociety wrote that the original meaning of the #14thAmendment makes #Trump #ineligible to hold #government office.
#law #president #Constitution #originalism #insurrection #legal