Investi nel tuo caffè quotidiano con la nuova gamma KitchenAid: scopri la nostra macchina del caffè da 2.000 euro! #KitchenAid #CaffeDiLusso

Investi nel tuo caffè quotidiano con la nuova gamma KitchenAid: scopri la nostra macchina del caffè da 2.000 euro! #KitchenAid #CaffeDiLusso
Since the Eagles are in the big game this year I decided to make cheese steaks. We all know a good cheese steak starts with home made hoagie rolls.
KitchenAid Calibration
Starting the next batch of Christmas cookies but noticed last time our mixer wasn’t properly scraping the bottom of the bowl very well. We followed proper procedures.
Good thing Andrle had a dime in her purse!I got struck by #KitchenAid #PlannedObselence - 6 days before end of the warranty a small metal piece fell out of the base of my electric kettle and kettle stopped working. All it does is beeping and not turning on. Official service in Latvia said that they don't fix them and they only exchange them, but they can't exchange mine because they don't have it this green color. Damn capitalism with its stupid unfixable things.
I'd say I've never been sexually attracted to a kitchenaid stand mixer before, but we all know that's not exactly true.
But this one.. wow.
'Hilfsmittel' / 'Aids'
... zum Vergären.
... for fermentation.
De kitchenaid go cordless food chopper review: gemak zonder kabels #KitchenAid Go Cordless #Food Chopper #keukenapparaat zonder snoer #batterij-aangedreven keukenmachine #draadloos kokengemak #Trending #News #Nieuws
Een compacte krachtpatser: de kitchenaid 3.5 beker / 830ml mini food chopper #KitchenAid Mini Food Chopper #compacte keukenmachine #keukenapparaat #hakken en pureren #paneermeel maken #Trending #News #Nieuws
I'm a little disturbed that, upon rewatching, one of my favorite romance films, #ShallWeDance, concludes with the obviously older couple dancing in a well equipped kitchen including a #KitchenAid stand mixer and I've never before realized that I am, in fact, a stereotype boomer.
I cannot express enough how much promise this grinder from KitchenAid had in 2004, and how much of a disappointment it was.
ALL KitchenAid had to do was put a good burrset inside, and reduce the static problems. But they did neither. They used a pressed-metal burrset.
It had almost everything we like in grinders today: direct down path, auger, powerful motor, all metal construction, the works.
Let down by the burr set (mostly) and the lack of any kind of anti-static system (a bit).
So sad. Second photo shows the pressed burrs (not milled) and auger.
Breaking in my new mixer by doing up some cinnamon rolls! The pan was too small, so they ended up a little doughy in the middle, but a valiant effort and they were PRETTY. Can’t wait to try again and nail it next time. At least my wife liked them despite the inconsistency. Or she’s a very good white liar…
So good a morning I have already #3GoodThings
1. Bought 12-cup #KitchenAid food processor, disks, accessories, manual for $85 CAD. It's a 2014 model but it is the same colour as my KA immersion blender, stand mixer, and mini-chopper and used by a former chef.
2. Bought from a woman who works as a costumer in the film industry. I could have a personal wardrobe stylist!
3. #FirstToFind on a #geocache this morning. Seldom out before 10 am, but the puzzle was a quick solve.
The #Kitchenaid maintenance continues with a bunch of parts now cleaned of paint, at a minimum on the surfaces we want to be recovering.
Funny things can happen when your hands are covered in flour making pizza dough.
I am cooking today. And I just need to say I LOVE this #KitchenAid.
#cooking #pastry #dessert
Anyone use a KitchenAid stand mixer? Have a preference for pasta attachments?
I'm looking at one designed for broad noodles/spaghetti (first pic) and one with disk wheels for shaped pasta.(2nd pic).
Any comments? Preferences? Advice?
Instead of challah this week, we made roti for #shabbat. My bshert had the amazing idea to use the #kitchenaid pasta attachment to make the roti flat.