Shoudl out to Last Podcast On the Left for still saying nothing about Palestine, if Mackerel Moore has more street cred at this point you fucked up #LPOTL #LastPodcastOnTheLeft
Shoudl out to Last Podcast On the Left for still saying nothing about Palestine, if Mackerel Moore has more street cred at this point you fucked up #LPOTL #LastPodcastOnTheLeft
Delighted by Ed and Henry's ambivalence-bordering-on-baffled-revulsion about their own participation in a "true crime cruise" out of Fort Lauderdale come November.
Just started this one and am digging the comparison of the Dutch East India Company to Amazon.
“He freaked himself into a situation and couldn’t figure out how to freak his way back out” is a weirdly thought-provoking turn of phrase
(Part I was good too. The boys are often at their best when telling a Los Angeles story.)
Ed & Henry coming in with a real edge tonight; one loves to hear it
Skipping this week’s #LPOTL because @MaryHenry warned me they discuss Saint Guinefort and I am too weak & emotional to handle this subject
shout out to #LastPodcastOnTheLeft for not saying a fucking word about Palestine for the last year, ya'll were problematic faves but I'm gonna have to cut you off
Also you and #RobertEvans of #BehindtheBastards needs to stop shilling for #BetterHelp they're an incrediy unethical company who sell private healthcare data to advertisers, which is illegal and there's no way you all don't know about it
(Last Podcast on the Left) Ed Larson's SeaWorld series made alternative LPOTL episode formats appropriate. Many cool possibilities and opportunities. This is a really good era for the boys #LPOTL #lastpodcastontheleft #podcast
My parents are going to be so excited that Boone’s Farm gets a shoutout in this episode.
…man, even Armin Meiwes was like “no fatties.”
The fellas were a delight. It was good for the soul to chant “HAM, HAM, HAM” with however many hundreds of other enthusiasts.
And did I make a point of buying a black KN95 mask for tonight?
Of course I did.
Time 2 get ready for #JKUltra
1. I am too provincial an American to mentally pronounce this guy’s name as anything other than “mews,” so it’s a shock to my system every time the boys say it “my ves.”
2. …is the homicide of Sharon Lopatka an obscure one?? I’d certainly heard of and read about it.
3. The Occult Education of Ed Larson would be the documentary I was born to watch. Manifesting this.
You know I love my #LPOTL boys but hearing Henry Zebrowski pronounce menarche as “men-arsh” is going to put me in an early grave.
The challenge here is going to be holding off until tomorrow, when I will listen to this episode while working.