Tell Me Something Good - Orion Magazine
#MargaretAtwood #Poetry
The Handmaid’s Tale: Última Temporada Ganha Teaser e Data de Estreia #disney #elisabethmoss #estreia #june #margaretatwood #ocontodaaia #paramount #primevideo #revolução #série #streaming #teaser #thehandmaidstale #últimatemporada
On sait quand vous pourrez voir la saison 6 de la Servante Ecarlate sur OCS !
Bientôt, bientôt, bientôt...
Chase Infiniti rejoint le casting de Testaments, l'adaptation du roman de Margaret Atwood !
The Handmaid's Tale (2017-2025): Season 6 - Official Teaser Trailer #1
#TheHandmaidsTale #Hulu #MargaretAtwood
Il sequel sembra ormai certo cosi come i primi nomi nel cast.
#thehandmaidstale #margaretatwood #anndowd
La Servante écarlate arrive en avril prochain sur les écrans pour sa dernière saison !
Vous allez regarder ?
‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Reveals Final Season Release Date and Fist Look: The Red Revolution Is Here
#TV #TVNews #BruceMiller #ElisabethMoss #Hulu #MargaretAtwood #TheHandmaid039sTale #YvonneStrahovski
Margaret Atwood has written a memoir, which will be out on Nov. 4. Why? "My publishers made me do it," the Canadian novelist told @Vogue in a new interview about the book. "When they first proposed it, I said, ‘Oh, that would be so boring.’ I mean, I wrote a book, I wrote another book, I wrote another book…Who’s going to read that?” Here's more on "Book of Lives: A Memoir of Sorts," plus Atwood's thoughts on what makes a good biography, "The Handmaid's Tale" and its pertinence, and Trump's fixation with making Canada the 51st U.S. state. "I think it’s lovely that the United States has recognized its mistake and wishes to join Canada so they can have a king,” Atwood says, “but it wouldn’t be the 51st state. It would be 10 new states and two territories, which would mean that the Republicans would never get elected again. So he’s welcome to try.”
#MargaretAtwood #Memoir #Books @bookstodon #Autobiography #Canada #CanLit
Handmaid’s Tale author Margaret Atwood to publish memoir #Autobiographyandmemoir #TheHandmaid'sTale #MargaretAtwood #Publishing #Culture #Books
Christian Siriano Reimagines ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Red Cloak on the Runway
#Lifestyle #Style #ChristianSiriano #Hulu #MargaretAtwood #PresidentDonaldTrump #TheHandmaid039sTale
the news today is like reading an #octaviabutler dystopia titled “TOLD U SO” with a forward from #margaretatwood
need everyone in the US to call their reps ASAP . don’t sit on this & wait. the time was yesterday & the second best time is right this minute.
I Who Have Never Known Men: the lost dystopia finding new readers after buzz on TikTok #MargaretAtwood #Socialmedia #Feminism #Culture #TikTok #Books #Women #Media
@SnowshadowII @VeroniqueB99 @GottaLaff #MargaretAtwood, asked about her dystopian novels (#HandmaidsTale) said everything she's written has happened somewhere.
#vendredilecture (même si on est samedi et que ca fait longtemps que j'y suis)
Excellente trilogie de la non moins excellente #margaretatwood (tu connais sûrement, la servante écarlate ?)