Passend zum gestrigen #WorldQuantumDay: Eine Sendung von SAT.1 Bayern klärt über die Zukunftstechnologie auf und zeigt, wie sie in #Bayern erforscht wird. #QuantumComputing #Quantenrechner #Quantencomputer @MunichQuantum

Passend zum gestrigen #WorldQuantumDay: Eine Sendung von SAT.1 Bayern klärt über die Zukunftstechnologie auf und zeigt, wie sie in #Bayern erforscht wird. #QuantumComputing #Quantenrechner #Quantencomputer @MunichQuantum
is an international, community-driven event on April 14 to spark interest and generate enthusiasm for quantum mechanics.
Quantum 101 - Quantum Science
w/ Katie Mack
April 14 has been designated World Quantum Day in honour of Planck’s Constant which can be rounded to h~ 4.14×10−15 eV·s (and some folks write April 14 as 4/14*). Planck’s constant comes up a lot in quantum mechanics; for instance a photon’s energy is h times its frequency). So I thought I would share Feynman Bauhaus. 1/n
Happy #WorldQuantumDay!
Building a quantum future is what we aim for within Munich Quantum Valley – all year round.
Get to know some of the early career researchers that help us with that in the video and in our portrait series #MQVinPersona
#WorldQuantumDay is an international event celebrated on April 14 every year to promote public awareness and understanding of quantum science and technology around the world.
April 14 is chosen as a reference to 4.14 the rounded first digits of Planck’s constant (4.135667696...×10^−15 eV⋅Hz^−1 / 6.62607015×10^−34 J⋅Hz^−1)
On today's #WorldQuantumDay we want to promote Quantum Computing research. We are happy to be part of the community and pursue interesting questions.
Here you can look at some current results:
#cmos #quantum #research
Get set for World Quantum Day 2024
RT @DigitalEU: What exactly is #Quantum and how can it support
#Schrödinger gives our #DigitalExplorers a quick lesson this #WorldQuantumDay ↓
What exactly is #Quantum and how can it support
#Schrödinger gives our #DigitalExplorers a quick lesson this #WorldQuantumDay ↓
#HaDEA project @carioqa_eu is developing a new technology to be used in #space within the next decade: a #quantum accelerometer
This technology will be used for satellite-based Earth science to monitor #climatechange
RT @carioqa_eu: World Quantum Day | 14 April 2023
Today we celebrate the #WorldQuantumDay, an initiative from quantum scientists aiming at promoting the public understanding of Quantum #Science and Quantum #technology around the …
It's #WorldQuantumDay! Learn more about the quantum research being done with @NASASpaceSci, @ISS_Research and @NASAJPL on the space station.
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by IEEE ComputerSociety / @ComputerSociety:
Happy #WorldQuantumDay! Registration for #QCE23 is now OPEN @
@IEEEQuantum @IEEEorg
This #WorldQuantumDay, discover what the quantum realm is really like and how NASA studies it every day—with Ant-Man actor Paul Rudd!
Find out how our exploration of quantum science could help unlock the universe’s biggest mysteries.
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by IEEE ComputerSociety / @ComputerSociety:
RT by @ComputerSociety: Riding D-Wave of #WorldQuantumDay!
Ames was once home to the D-Wave processor, a quantum system that was operated at our supercomputing facility's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
What is quantum computing?
For #WorldQuantumDay, here's an extremely introductory quantum chemistry book (requires just a bit of linear algebra & Python knowledge) a made a few years ago:
Happy #WorldQuantumDay! The Pacific Northwest's tech leaders say there's a chance the region could become a "Quantum Valley" on the order of California's Silicon Valley - but it'll take years to get there. #Tech #Quantum #Seattle
It’s #worldquantumday and we’ve been marking it with alongside @unihh, TU Hamburg, @DLR, PIER, and Hamburg Quantum Innovation Capital (hqic). Topics include building the first #quantumcomputer for everyday use, hardware developments, optimization, and analytics of quantum materials. Hamburg has the brains and infrastructure to be a major quantum hub! #quantumtechnology #innovation
Are you interested in exploring the fascinating world of #quantum? Then today, on the #worldquantumday, there's no better time to join the Quantum Society Austria!
This society is open to everyone, regardless of their background or level of expertise, and it provides a platform for individuals to learn and discuss the latest advancements in quantum science.
#science #quantumcomputing #quantum #austria #qml #quantummachinelearning #quantumsensing
I celebrate #worldquantumday every day. Thank you all for finally joining me!