Theorem of the Day (March 28, 2025) : The Sophomore’s Dream
Source : Theorem of the Day / Robin Whitty
pdf :
notes :
Source : Youtube / Société Mathématique de France - SMF
#mathématiques #maths #math #youtube
28 mars 1928: #CeJourLà naissance de Alexandre Grothendieck (†13/11/2014), mathématicien français médaillé Fields (1966) pour ses travaux fondamentaux en géom. algébrique, pour avoir introduit l'idée de la K-théorie et "révolutionné l'algèbre homologique"
#mathématiques #maths #math
Don't forget to do the knobbly bits in the corners.
#icosahedron #Roman #maths #mystery
Looking into welding a hollow steel d20 dice aka icosahedron.
There are three factors that are dependent on the final result:
- thickness of the steel sheet metal,
- length of the equilateral triangle, and
- diameter as twice the circumradius.
Looked at sheet metal thickness of 2-5 mm and triangle length of 75-200 mm where the end resulting weight is 0.78-13.9 kg without the reduction/addition of welding and using steel density of 0.008 g/mm^3. The diameter respected to the triangle length is 143-380 mm.
Wow! Are MIT press giving this PDF textbook away free?
These two 3Blue1Brown videos in which mathematician Terence Tao @tao outlines the history of how people worked out the distances to planets, stars etc. are so good. An hour well spent if you watch them.
"As history proves abundantly, mathematical achievement, whatever its intrinsic worth, is the most enduring of all." – Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947)
#quote #mathematics #math #maths
"Comme l'histoire le prouve abondamment, la réussite mathématique, quelle que soit sa valeur intrinsèque, est la plus durable de toutes." – Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947)
#citation #mathématiques #maths #math
suit une distribution de Pareto et observer une paire de valeur 53-10! Par exemple: 10% des familles les plus riches au Canada possèdent 53% du patrimoine global, tout en "respectant la loi de Pareto" (avec le bon paramètre α).
Theorem of the Day (March 27, 2025) : Bézout’s Identity
Source : Theorem of the Day / Robin Whitty
pdf :
notes :
Top #Maths Prize Recipient Wedded Algebra and Calculus to Found a New Field #mathematics #science #STEM
On 26 March 1913, Paul Erdős was born: one of the most prolific and influential mathematicians of the 20th century, a legendary figure not only for his academic contributions, but also for his eccentric lifestyle...
More at my post
#histsci #maths
I have been using the #Moodle #STACK #maths related question intensely over the last few months. I had idly thought that it would be good to have an automated way of giving inputs and prts “sensible names”, i.e. instead of ans1, ans2 etc I could rename the input fields with things like width, area and have all references updated appropriately.
It turns out that the feature already exists under the menu Tidy inputs and PRT’s, wonderful!
Double Maths First Thing: Issue 1D
Source : The Aperiodical / Colin Beveridge
#mathematics #maths #math @aperiodical
Source : Youtube / Rapémathiques
#mathématiques #maths #math #Youtube #rap
"Mère de toutes les sciences, [les mathématiques] sont un bâtisseur d'imagination, un tisseur de schémas de pensée, un rêveur intuitif, un poète. L'étude des mathématiques ne peut être remplacée par aucune autre activité qui formera et développera les facultés purement logiques de l'homme au même niveau de rationalité." – Cletus O. Oakley (1899–1990)
#citation #mathématiques #maths #math #sciences
"Mother of all the sciences, [mathematics] is a builder of the imagination, a weaver of patterns of sheer thought, an intuitive dreamer, a poet. The study of mathematics cannot be replaced by any other activity that will train and develop man's purely logical faculties to the same level of rationality." – Cletus O. Oakley (1899-1990)
#quote #mathematics #math #maths #sciences
What is a mathematical proof, and how can we represent it?
This was tackled in a student seminar at HEGL by working with Lean, a proof assistant used to create and verify proofs. In their blog post ( you can find more details on Lean and Constructive Algebra.
#maths #geometry #outreach