Reuters: US House Speaker #MikeJohnson says Congress can 'eliminate' district #courts
Reuters: US House Speaker #MikeJohnson says Congress can 'eliminate' district #courts Mikey Johnson? That little man is pathetic. He is desperate to keep his "job", which he actually holds by default, since no other sucker could be found. In other words, he is the perfect enabler for the Don and Elon Show. #GOP #MikeJohnson #Corruption
The U.S. House Speaker is now floating the idea of abolishing federal courts that block Trump’s agenda.
This is not theoretical. It’s authoritarianism in motion.
The judiciary is a core check on executive power—MAGA Republicans want it defanged.
Details via @NBCNews:
#DemocracyInCrisis #FederalCourts #MikeJohnson
Right on track:
Where are all the “conservative” “Constitutionalist” lawyers?
#Trump #MikeJohnson #Fascists #Fascism #Constitution #RuleOfLaw #Judiciary #Democracy
HT @MatWright
#satire #mikejohnson
You probably know Rep. Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) as Speaker of the House.
Mike Johnson sees himself: as the man God chose, out of the 8 billion people roaming the Earth, to be the New Moses.How, you might wonder, did MJ come to this odd conclusion? Did he happen to catch the 1956 film The TenCommandments & decide that he and its star, Charlton Heston, had more in common than their staunch opposition to background checks for assault-rifle fanciers?
JOKE #1:
What I wanna know is: Does Mike Johnson's son's phone ding every time you pee in Mouth 4?
JOKE #2:
JD VANCE: That is so disgusting!
(Same faces on a couch)
JD VANCE: That is so HAWT!
JOKE #3:
Yuk, ANOTHER Donald Trump kompromat?
JOKE #4:
Elon Musk.
#mikejohnson #jdvance #elonmusk #trump
"something is up with Mike Johnson's face"
#MikeJohnson knows he's supposed to be a "#Christian"
Mike Johnson knows he's lying
This somehow creates a certain tension in Mike Johnson's psyche
'Trump’s disastrous Sunday vacationing in Mar-A-Lago as his surrogates did terrible on the weekend shows.' #Trump #MikeJohnson #politics
MAGA Mike Johnson was on FOX talking about the US economy and stuttered through the following statement:
"The adults are back in the room, and we're going to turn this economy around. We need a little runway to do it... I keep using this metaphor of an aircraft carrier, you know, it took decades to get into the mess that we're in. You don't turn an aircraft carrier on a dime, but you need miles of open ocean to do it"
Given his position in the government, I am sure he should know more about US Aircraft carriers. They can turn on a dime, and what's more, even at 30 knots they don't need miles of open ocean to turn, they are almost as nimble as a Seadoo when they want to be!
The USS Abraham Lincoln has a message for your shitty metaphor, Mike. North Carolina GOP town hall gets rowdy as attendees hurl scathing questions on Trump #america #asheville #ChuckEdwards #DepartmentOfGovernmentEfficiency #DonaldTrump #ElonMusk #GeneralNews #GovernmentPolicy #HurricanesAndTyphoons #MikeJohnson #NaturalDisasters #NCStateWire #NorthCarolina #Politics #TrendingNews #U.S.News #U.S.RepublicanParty #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USTopics #USA #USANews #WashingtonNews
“Speaker #MikeJohnson on Tuesday succeeded in a high-stakes House vote to pass #Trump’s plan to fund the government into the fall, overcoming far-right opposition as the GOP scrambles to avert a government shutdown Friday at midnight.”
House passes funding bill ahea...
As I posted earlier, Johnson said it would pass.
“Speaker #MikeJohnson on Tuesday succeeded in a high-stakes House vote to pass #Trump’s plan to fund the government into the fall, overcoming far-right opposition as the GOP scrambles to avert a government shutdown Friday at midnight.”
TODAY In his press conference #speaker #MikeJohnson again CLAIMED that the first 2yrs of #trump 's first term was "the greatest economy in the history of the world!" When are #Democrats & fiscal #Conservatives going to TELL THE TRUTH ?? IT WAS FUELED BY DEBT #Politics #News #Business
House Republicans push Trump-backed bill to avoid shutdown, sparking backlash #HouseofRepresentatives #Trumpadministration #DonaldTrump #MikeJohnson #USpolitics #USCongress #USnews