Gov. Greg Abbott is resurfacing claims that public schools across the country are allowing students to act as “furries” in classrooms in his latest push to funnel taxpayer funds to private schools.

Gov. Greg Abbott is resurfacing claims that public schools across the country are allowing students to act as “furries” in classrooms in his latest push to funnel taxpayer funds to private schools.
Save public education. Join rally Friday in Great Falls Montana! #resist #wtf406 #education #PublicSchool #SavePublicSchools #GreatFallsMT #GreatFallsMontana #MTPol
In a standing-room-only hearing Tuesday full of emotional testimony, the Texas House Committee on Public Education discussed the chamber’s Education Savings Account bill.
Egg Prices: The Science Behind Rising Costs
We look at the science and facts surrounding high egg prices then we examine a recent bill introduced in the Ohio legislature that once again would try to force religion into classrooms in this case Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to rep
ICYMI: RainSMediaRadio NewsOndo Governor Aiyedatiwa Pays N634m WAEC Fees for Public School Students Follow, Like & Share #Education #OndoState #WAEC #PublicSchool #GovernorAiyedatiwa
A #Preston #Oklahoma #publicschool #teacher locks her #foster child outside without shoes or a jacket when it's literally below freezing. The foster dad, a former #firefighter, tells the child to stop whining. #courts are closed because it's too cold for the judges to be in so they won't be processing this until it's warmer. #kfor #fostercare #dhs #okdhs
Hope for the Future: Ding Dong, HB1136 is Dead—Republicans in the State House would've used HB 1136 to kill public schools in Indiana like the one my kids attend. We citizens killed the bill instead.
#Indianapolis #Politics #HB1136 #IPS #PublicSchool
Should Christianity Be Taught In Public Schools? #Christianity #education #PublicSchool
#Trump repeatedly called for the elimination of the #Education Department during his presidential campaign. On Wednesday he called it a "con job" & said he wants it closed. [says a guy who never went to a #PublicSchool ever]
About 100 probationary employees received termination letters on Wednesday at the #GSA, according to two people familiar with the firings.
There are ways to work around something like that and with communication you can work something out, and it’s not a huge issue.
#diversity #inclusivity #diverse #inclusive #ally
#PublicSchool #School #TotallySecular
#DearTeachers #DearParents #DearPrincipal
#EduTooters #Educators #Influencer
#FreedomOfReligion #FreedomFromReligion
NH #HB283 being heard in committee on Monday
Look at all the classes they want to remove from New Hampshire Public schools “adequate education” list.
Just look at everything they have crossed off that they don’t want to be taught at public school anymore.
Please oppose this. It’s in the house education and policy administration committee on Monday the 10th.
Full text:
A proposal creating a voucher-like program where public funds could be used towards private schools was passed by the Texas Senate Wednesday, just days after Gov. Greg Abbott made it an emergency item for the current legislative session.
For #newmexico, block grants instead of #title1, #title2, and #title3 funding would cripple our state’s ability to #educate #students with the highest needs - indeed any New Mexican child. Rich states get richer, #poor states get poorer. If #schoolchoice really was about what’s best for kids, why is there never talk of negotiating #privateschool #tuition down from being at least 3x the per capita allocation of #publicschool?
I’ll start:
The resources at our local elementary school have been such wonderful, kind, supportive people. My family has made heavy use of the in-school #counselors and they have helped us navigate the #ADHD my genes have passed on.
The #teachers have been saints. They love my kids and want them to succeed. They see the special in each of them and I feel like my kids are known.
Bless our #publicSchool
The motivation for the Christian Nationalists can be cruelty and control, but sometimes it’s just for $$$.
Keep an eye out for the rebranding of abstinence only sex ed. Apparently NH has not taken funding from those who provide funding for this grift. But they could, and I don’t know what the other states are doing.
“But even without federal funding in New Hampshire, business is still booming for Joneen Mackenzie. Today, her SRA education program is in 47 states, including New Hampshire. “
Talking about race isn't easy for white folk!
#SouthCarolina #SCPol #SCPolitics #race #education #publicschool
"The Impact of a Boston Desegregation Busing Program on Student Outcomes"
"The Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity (METCO) program in Boston is a voluntary program for urban students and suburban school districts, that busses non-White students from Boston to wealthier, Whiter suburbs.
"Elizabeth Setren examines how participation in the METCO program affected students over the period 1991 through 2020.
"METCO students attend schools where a much higher percentage of the students plan to go to a four-year college than in the Boston public school system..
"Boston students who are bused to suburban school districts through the METCO school desegregation program have stronger academic and labor market outcomes than similar students who apply to be bussed but are not selected..
"At age 35, on average, students who were selected to participate in the METCO program make $16,250 more than those who applied to the program but were not selected from the waitlist."
#desegregation #education #PublicSchool #PublicEducation #race #BrownvBoard #economics #NBER #Boston #Massachusetts #METCO
Last week I happened to mention that I used to be a #publicschool #teacher back in the day and the person blurted: "Thank you for your service!"
That felt nice.
Also—while teaching, I had a Mayo trained specialist (who diagnosed a neck nerve thing for me). But once he found out that I was a teacher, he refused to bill me. He showed me a table filled with displays/awards/thank you cards from firefighters and cops and teachers. He said he never charged public servants.
Like that. #education
We're committed to creating an #inclusive and #welcoming #environment. Shabbat shalom,
Principal Dani Stein
#PublicSchool #School #TotallySecular
#EduTooters #EduSky #Educators