I wrote The Big Bang Theory a few years ago when I worked at the Big Aircraft Company in the Pacific Northwest. It's funny—check it out!
www.BOOKFORGE.online Look in the Shop for the digital download or the physical copy of The Big Bang Boat Theory!
I wrote The Big Bang Theory a few years ago when I worked at the Big Aircraft Company in the Pacific Northwest. It's funny—check it out!
www.BOOKFORGE.online Look in the Shop for the digital download or the physical copy of The Big Bang Boat Theory!
https://www.wacoca.com/anime/1770021/ 強制結婚を避けるため、貧しい少女は貧しい配達員をフラッシュするが、彼が隠れボスだとは気づかない! #2025Winter #2025WinterAnime #2025年冬開始の新作アニメ #Anime #cdrama #drama #Lovestory #REVENGE #story~ #アニメ #この会社に好きな人がいます #新作アニメ
Don't add a twist to your #story for its own sake.
#ttrpg folks!
#rpg folks!
#talkingwhileusingfunnyvoices folks!
#story folks!
Pick your favorite!
Conyers man charged with assaulting employee at Athens health facility https://www.byteseu.com/870937/ #Abuse #AI #assault #athens #Crime #CrimeU0026Justice #Enabled #Ga #Health #highlights #Jails #justice #local #LocalNews #mental #MentalHealth #Negative #News #Overall #OverallNegative #police #story #StoryHighlightsAIEnabled #u0026 #violence #ViolenceU0026Abuse
I send thanks to the buyer from Maryland who purchased an art print of
Light Reading -- https://2-steve-henderson.pixels.com/featured/light-reading-steve-henderson.html?product=art-print
May the image transport you to a perfect day, one in which you immerse yourself in a most wonderful story, a book that you want to read to the end, but at the same time, never shut the covers to permanently close.
https://www.alojapan.com/1229345/japan-airlines-gives-free-domestic-flights-for-international-travelers/ Japan Airlines Gives Free Domestic Flights for International Travelers #Advertisement #BusinessInsider #canada #China #FreeDomesticFlight #GraceCheng #InternationalTravelers #JapanAirlines #JapanTours #mexico #NewInitiative #RoundTripInternationalFlight #story #Tokyo #tourist #tours #us Japan is a popular spot for tourists, and a new initiative would make it easier and more affordable to visit than ever before. Japan Airlines is offering free…
'Labyrinth's hall of children's dream'
"...you can stay as long as your heart wish for. We love you more than anyone in your life.. follow us, your new friends are waiting...."
People Are Stealing From Whole Foods, Amazon to Get Back at Jeff Bezos https://www.byteseu.com/870633/ #amazon #Bezos #billionaire #business #carson #case #company #friend #item #JeffBezos #Lee #people #story #WholeFoods #worker #World
How to ride a monster truck before Rodeo Austin closes https://www.byteseu.com/870627/ #animal #AnimalSports #Austin #AustinThingsToDo #do #Entertainment #Explainer #Modular #ModularStory #Neutral #not #Overall #OverallNeutral #Ram #RamTrucks #Sports #story #things #to #trucks #TTP #TTPExplainerNotVisual #Tx #Visual
Urgent Flight
You've tried to hold it until the plane lands, but you just can't anymore. Your only option is to try to climb over and get past the big obstagoon sitting in the aisle seat next to you... but disaster strikes just as you try to...
This story can be read on my SubscribeStar by subscribers of any tier!
https://www.evshift.com/322248/beyond-zero-0-is-where-our-new-story-begins-toyota/ BEYOND ZERO | 0 is where our new story begins. | Toyota #automobile #Begins #bev #BeyondZero #car #cwalks #cwalkt #e_Palette #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #FC #HEV #LC250HEV #Mobiletoilet #SDGs #sora #story #sustainability #Toyota #ToyotaGlobal #WelwalkToyota #トヨタ
I wrote The Big Bang Boat Theory quite a few years ago when I worked at the Big Aircraft Company in the Pacific Northwest...it's funny...check it out!
Why is it that every #story or #report about #vaccinations includes a #stockphoto of someone receiving an #injection?
Do folks not realize how many people out there are #trypanophobic?
Pick something else. Anything else. Just the vial, perhaps just a smiling provider.
You'll get more reads and so more people will receive your information.
My #podcast episode for this week, is all about the upcoming #stories for the next few months. A quick little run down of them and what you can expect. Check it out on #Spotify or #YouTube. #audiodrama #storytelling #fiction #audiobook #audiofiction #audio #story https://open.spotify.com/episode/4qCyAJFpojkjMorhoZ0PeZ?si=aMhTPk2LSm-aHJKV8eqOxQ
I dabble in writing. Some think it's even good and dare say, funny. Want to discover if it's true? Check out my Etsy shop. You can download a digital copy, or order a physical one!
Palermo, la bambina col pallone, di Letizia Battaglia
In ricordo della fotoreporter Letizia Battaglia c'è una sua foto, scattata in un vicolo del quartiere Cala di Palermo, "La Bambina col pallone".
Quello scatto del 1980, divenuto celebre perché scolpisce il volto pulito di una bambina, diventa il simbolo della speranza e del futuro delle palermitane.
Foto legata ad una bella storia di vita, perchè Letizia non aveva mai dimenticato quella bambina e, attraverso la trasmissione "Chi l'ha Visto", 40 anni dopo si ritrovarono.
#palermo #panormus #sicilia #sicily #italia #italy #europe #world #picoftheday #picture #image #immagine #photo #photography #fotografia #storia #story #cultura #culture #arte #art #aspassoneltempo #aspassonellastoria #memorie