Elon Musk Finally Admits Social Security Is on the Chopping Block
The richest man in the world is trying to convince the American people that they all deserve less.
In an interview with Fox News on Monday,
Elon Musk spread debunked lies about Social Security and Medicare to justify eliminating them.
“The waste and fraud in entitlement spending … that’s the big one to eliminate, that’s the sort of half trillion, maybe six or seven hundred billion a year,” Musk said.
“That is also a mechanism by which the Democrats attract and retain illegal immigrants, by essentially paying them to come here, and they’re turning them into voters. This is why the Democrats are so upset about the situation,”
he added, unsubtly echoing a white nationalist, #Great #Replacement #theory talking point while #Larry #Kudlow nodded along.
“If we turn off this gigantic money magnet for illegal immigrants, then they will leave. And they will lose voters.”
Trump has said he won’t touch Social Security or Medicare, but Musk’s entitlement math makes it clear that both those programs, as well as Medicaid, are on the chopping block.
Millions of older Americans—many of them red-state Republicans—will lose the vital benefits they rely on.
And the millions of younger Americans who’ve been having those benefits taken out of their paychecks for years will never see the fruits of that.
Musk’s lies continued:
“Why are there 20 million people who are definitely dead marked as alive in the Social Security database?” he asked.
“Why were hundreds of millions of dollars of Small Business Administration loans given out to people aged 11 and under? We have an enormous number of people marked alive who are 160.”
️This has been long debunked.
“The reported data are people in our records with a Social Security number who do not have a date of death associated with their record. These individuals are not necessarily receiving benefits,”
acting Social Security commissioner Lee Dudek said in February.
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