Los trilobites del género Sphaerocoryphe, que vivieron entre el Ordovícico medio y el Silúrico, tienen una enorme glabela bulbosa.
Los trilobites del género Sphaerocoryphe, que vivieron entre el Ordovícico medio y el Silúrico, tienen una enorme glabela bulbosa.
El Lochmanolenellus trapezoidalis fue un trilobite, encontrado en Nevada, Estados Unidos y en las montañas Cassiar, Canadá, que vivió en el Cámbrico (524-512 MdA). Se distingue por su ancho cefalón con prominentes espinas genales, pero ni de lejos las más grandes.
Spring is finally here! These little friends bring their babies to ‘graze’. #Woodlice feed on rotting plant matter, as well as bacteria and fungi on rotting plants. Like gourmets they have very sensitive olfactory receptors to find tasty treats. They are an important part of #soilLife. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porcellio_scaber As a child, I was happy about their #trilobite -like look.
Un trilobite dessiné vite fait en écoutant le cours sur l’extinction crétacé-tertiaire dans la salle d’à côté. Je dis pas qu'on part de loin mais il a fallu convaincre les élèves que non les trilobites ne reviendraient pas (et que promis ils n'étaient pas un danger pour nous), qu’on a pas trouvé un squelette de mégalodon dans la fosse des Mariannes et que oui les dinosaures ont bien existé. Et encore, je vous épargne le truc sur les reptiliens, les dragons et les formes de vie martiennes
For todays #FossilFriday I present, an unidentified Cambrian trilobite from my collection. I promise I am slowly working through cataloging all the rocks I've got, this one I have not yet labelled
En una época muy, muy lejana, allá por el Ordovícico medio (470-458 MdA)...este Han solo no disparó primero. Primero, porque no tiene ni ojos y, segundo, porque se trata de un trilobite agnóstido, aunque se cuestiona que este orden pertenezca realmente a los trilobites. Los segmentos torácicos estrechos entre el céfalon y pigidio permitiría que se cerrara como un bivalvo.
The wikipedia page for #trilobite doesn't even have an "in popular culture" section. smh my head
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Last post from 2020. Here's "The Early Worm Catches the . . . ", showing a monster Ottoia ambushing some Cambrian critters. This fossil is discussed in Locked in Time, by Dr Dean Lomax.
Happy #FossilFriday everyone. For your viewing pleasure here is, what I think is, a Proceratopyge canadensis, a trilobite I found from the McKay group Cambrian deposits. That means this little critter was likely alive around 490 million years ago
This will be a challenge to the fediverse connecting abilities: I need to make a costume of a #trilobite and of #Anomalocaris. I am looking for any help: someone has made one already and is happy to share the details, a costume designed willing to take up the challenge, a handwork hobbyist with a knack for sewing/cardboard magic who always want to launch their skills onto a bigger stage. We are making a #science show for kids as part of my #ERC project MindTheGap and we will be explaining #evolution using #fossils. #Cambrian fossils If you have any hints, contacts, old costumes, please get in touch. We are located in NL so we probably cannot commission costumes from overseas (too much risk of delay due to customs). #Outreach #ScienceCommunication #paleontology
Thinking about fossil marine invertebrates that Keilan-Jaworowska studied at the beginning of her career, made me think of this pattern made from my linocut animal prints with collaged washi papers from the Cambrian Period (from 538.8 million to 485.4 million years ago).
@isukun Tantas como puedas imaginar: son seres vivos, viven en el agua... Pero básicamente es su aspecto. En #trilobite he compartido alguna especie igual de puntiaguda.
It's Trilobite Tuesday! Rarely exceeding 1 in (2.5 cm) in length—including its long, graceful tail spine—the small Middle Cambrian ptychopariid trilobite Norwoodia bellaspina hails from Utah’s Weeks Formation. It takes a sharp eye to spot one in the field.
American Museum of Natural History
@AMNH #Trilobite #museums #fossils
hi mastodon, would a #trilobite make a good pet?
Sometimes my brain is like a trilobite hash, especially on Thursdays.
One of the great things about fossils is that you can see the chaos of life hundreds of millions of years ago, and know whatever is going on now isn't forever.
Its liberating living in a geological timeframe
Happy Halloween! Try not to get bitten by any big and scary Anomalocaris out there, like this unlucky Middle Cambrian Elrathia Kingii. Trilobites were not the biggest invertebrates in the sea, and needed to watch out
#Trilobite with three Anomalocoris appendages
Bathyteriscus rotundatus Cambrian
(543-490 million years ago)
British Columbia, Canada (Burgess Shale)
Its Monday, but, at least it has finally stopped raining for a while here in BC. As a further boost, here is a trilobite that I am sure you all needed. This trilobite has seen (roughly) 24,960,000,000 Mondays. It doesn't look too bad for it either...