That's a weird looking plant.
#Caturday #CatsOfFedi #CatsOfMastodon #TuxedoCat #TuxedoCats
Zorro is wondering when he's gonna get treatos. he too appears to have discovered Walnut's secret way to my house because he as trying to enter from the balcony this morning.
Bleh, a day I'd been fearing finally arrived -- the day my desktop didn't want to boot up. I knew it was coming because both the power and reboot button had been getting increasingly dicey; power came through, but not booting. So that's offline right now, and I'm enjoying an unexpected work break. Yeah, my laptop refuses to recognise my bank card for some reason. Card works fine on my desktop, and my spouse's card works fine on my laptop, sooooo. ¬¬
(but on the bright side, I dusted my tower out since I had it open to look at the buttons, so that's always good)
So yeah, that happened.
Past that, just like, doing my best to chill and wondering when my back is going to stop being irritable. Probably never, let's be honest, ha ha. I mean, I've had back problems since I was a kid, but y'all know how it is with new and novel pains.
A gentle good morning kiss and lots of morning sun
#cats #whitecat #sweetjuno #catlover #morning #tuxedocats #amythetux
Whew, all the things! Spouse had an eye test today, so I had to drive him back. It was only 15 minutes, but I've not driven anywhere in a hot minute. But that went fine, we got home, I didn't manage to get us lost on familiar streets.
I also did a chase-up call on my missing Twizzlers. I finally got a person by calling on a weekday, so, good? I think they're sending a refund, but also looking to see what's up with the parcel. I mean, as long as candy or my money comes back, then that'll do me. Obviously, I'd prefer the candy to show up, ha ha.
Also showing up: that missing Etsy order, replacement version! The lass let me know this morning it had come through and that she was super happy with it, so, win. And honestly, if more show up for her, that's also fine by me! But also, I hope my lost package refund comes through... we'll see how that goes.
So yeah, all the adventures, and I am now completely worn out. Gonna flop, get more caffeine in me, and just like, exist.
((also, I realise I totally wrote a post yesterday and forgot to post it. Ah well))
Amy hat sich zu mir unter die Decke gekuschelt #amythetux #CatsOfMastodon #cats #tuxedocats
Ha pis tiens. Une photo de chat. J'arrête pas de les trouver merveilleux, à la fois ils savent profiter de la vie et relaxer totalement, mais aussi ils se font respecter et sortent leurs griffes si ça ne fait pas leur affaire. Ce n'est pas pour rien qu'on aime tant les regarder et les partager sur les réseaux sociaux ! #caturday #chatmedi #cat #cats #chat #chats #tuxedocats #tuxedocat #catsofmadtodon #chatsdemastodon
Ma petite Rosie qui me regarde parfois si gentiment, en clignant doucement des yeux De penser que cette petite creature vit avec moi et me fait confiance c'est un cadeau de tous les jours, un émerveillement quotidien, a gift that keeps on giving #rosie #chat #catsofmastodon #catstodon #caturday #tuxedocats #chat #chats
Auf einmal überall wieder Schnee
#amythetux #CatsOfMastodon #cats #whitecat #sweetjuno #catlover #morning #tuxedocats #snowlandscape
What do you call this part of the kitty ?
It looks squishy but it's fluffy
A big stretch to start our day.
#CatsOfMastodon #tuxedocats #blackandwhitecats
Watching #CaTV this morning at 4:30 AM. I was HANGRY n woke #MomStaff up, yelling for my damn brekkie! Feel better now. #TuxieGirl #Betty #TuxedoCats